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TL;DR - Patreon will be on pause in August. No action is required, my beautiful sailors: you won't be charged!

Ahoy, me hearties!

Ah! For the past four years, we have been sailing together. Sometimes with calmer waters, sometimes through unpredictable rapids! A wonderful adventure, shoulder to shoulder with you, my beautiful and courageous crew!! And I am so very thankful for your incredible support in this incredible journey! It wouldn't have been possible without you 🥰🥰🥰

Thanks to your wonderful ideas, fantastic suggestions, and wholesome participation and support, we've managed to bring stories and characters to life for almost half a decade! And it was thanks to you, and with you, that this Cap'n has learned many new techniques, workflows, and tools; to animate, compose, edit, rig, art direct, and much, much more!

It's been almost three years since our first animation was brought to life, a very risky move that paid off greatly! And I can proudly say that, since then, we haven't skipped a single month nor week!

However, as my duty as a captain is to continually bring you the very best, I find myself at a unique juncture: We're expanding the team and doing our very best to accelerate Soulgasm's (our very first game) production, and this does need a slight shift in our usual rhythm of work. With the big size of the tasks a game like Soulgasm requires, CptPopcorn Patreon page will anchor for a short respite in August.

🔼Yes! This IS a playable scene!🔮😍👌

This is the first in our history, but rest assured, it's a decision made to ensure we continue delivering the quality you've come to expect from this Captain. It's all hands on deck as we strive to bring you the best possible stories, artworks, and animations because you deserve only the very best.

We might not have the usual Popcorn poll and animation in August, but this break will allow this Cap'n to focus on the game art development and speedrun the beautiful adventure we are brewing for you on the side. We feel it is important to deliver not only quality but also to deliver in a reasonable timeframe, and we will do what's needed to succeed. For you.

However, don't think I be leaving you high and dry, no no! Even while taking this brief hiatus, this Cap'n has got quite a few sweet and spicy popcorn brews in the making! And works are progressing rapidly on SoulgasmGame. We heartily invite you to stop by, join the community, and get a first-hand look at what we're crafting! I would feel honored to have you aboard the Eromancy vessel 🥰🥰🥰

NOTE: During this pause in August, you won't be charged any Patreon fees. This is an automatic process, so there's no action required on your end. We'll be back with our regular schedule, recharged and ready to deliver more horn--exciting stories to you. Stronger than ever!!

Thank you SO MUCH, my gorgeous sailors!! For your incredible support and understanding. Your continuous faith in our journey fuels my heart and spirit. And I be so excited to return with new, exciting stories!

See you very soon, my gorgeous sailors!!



Important Note: Though August shall be paused, I am planning on bringing some VERY special thingies to you, including the sketch animation poll for our return, some pieces I still dream of bringing to life, and maaaaaybe, just maaaaaaaybe a very special little something (🔮👀💦). So make sure to stay aboard, me hearties! 😍😍😍

Important Note2: July's animation is still on the making and shall be sent in the following days! 🎨😍👌

Important Note3: New sailors joining in August shall receive July's JumboPack as a reward!



The Hiromaniac

Alright everyone, you heard the Captain. Shore leave.


I'd certainly be happy if you needed to do this more often to help you feel less pressure. Even one or twice a year.


Rather keep the ship in condition for a while! I shall return very soon, me hearty!! 🥰🥰🥰


Thank you, my lovely sailor! For being so supportive and helping me not to feel so guilty about this decision!! I will do all that I can to come back recharged and full of motivation to make more spicy popcorn for this wonderful crew of ours!! 🥰🥰🥰