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   'Can I kiss you?' Imogen asked, nervously waiting for an answer.
   'Ooalright--' Laudna replied before Imogen jumped on her, giving life to her lips and heart. All their cheeks blushed, and the static could be felt in the air. 'That was... exactly as I pictured it in my mind,' She thought. But Imogen couldn't hear her thoughts anymore. 
   The blushed Sorcerer was lost in her mind. Her imagination had already fired hundreds, thousands of possibilities. Before she could open her mind, one seemed to pierce through the barrier of thoughts; Laudna smiled at her and caressed the idea with a question: 'Do you trust me?'
   Imogen gave in with a gesture with her head. 
   Quickly, both ladies ran into an alley with fire in their hearts. Maybe to escape from the nosy eyes, or perhaps to have a space to do what Laudna had planned: Pushing Imogen against the tavern wall, she got closer to her ear and whispered, 'Can I kiss you now?'


Well, it does seem Laudna was wearing her lipstick that day! I couldn't resist bringing this one to life for you, my beautiful sailors! I felt it was a great opportunity for it, yet this was all thanks to the fantastic help and suggestion of the one and only Dragon0921 (Thank you so much, my gorgeous one!! You rock it!!).

I also wanted to take the opportunity to make some iterations for all the crew! Because I am sure, some might appreciate the different looks, more or less accurate to her depiction in the show and more or less idealized (I am looking at you, beautiful piercings!).

Once again, these two beauties make our days so much better! But only thanks to our crew, full of courageous mateys from all corners of the world! Because this journey keeps on going thanks to your help and support, and I am so very grateful for that!!

You are the best, me hearties!! Thank you so much for giving this Cap'n the space to make this happen; you are truly breathtaking!! 🥰🥰🥰


Listening: Source (Fever the Ghost) 

Feeling: One of the toughest weeks yet! 

Thinking: Always in for a challenge; pushes the limits even further!



Thomas D.

Yaaay tiddy piercing on wholesome gorl


Are the piercings actual canon or just some fun extra?


I really love seeing your art evolve over time. I love it more and more as time passes. A good inspiration for me to keep working. Also love these two great job


Absolutely love the kisses down the body, such a good touch


It would be absolutely hilarious to add Chetney peaking around the corner absolutely slack jawed! 😂 Truely a beWITCHing piece of art


Thank you, me hearty! That particular idea was suggested by a lovely sailor of mine; together, we can reach heights that I couldn't even dream of alone!! 🥰🥰🥰


Giggity :3


Will there be version without lipstick but with the lightning marks on Imogens breasts?