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As the guests of honor of Lady Vex'ahlia de Rolo, Jester and Imogen ventured inside the wondrous corridors of the de Rolo palace. Big was the surprise of the blue Tiefling when she found out that her appetite for cupcakes and sweet bakery was well known by her host. The sweet-looking Imogen looked unfazed by the number of sweets Jester could fit in her mouth, and so she also decided to give them a go. 
'They look good, but they taste even better!' Confirmed the horned lady, words struggling to escape her full mouth.

'I have chosen them, especially for you, my dearests,' assured Lady Vex'ahlia. 'Come with me, I have something very special to show you.'
And so they did follow Vex, who was rocking some grey hairs with grace and pride. They went through countless stairs and corridors. Tinted windows with beautiful designs of shields and stories adorned the interior scapes with iridescent tones and reflections.
'We have arrived, and as promised, we are here to immortalize our gathering.' Vex'ahlia explained to her guests, introducing the fourth person in the room, who was meant to borrow their beauty to be kept in a colorful masterpiece. A gorgeous lady with blue eyes that looked more like a sailor than an artist.
'Ah, ye be lookin' graceful 'n gorgeous as ye've ever been! Now why don't ye get some clothes off so those ol'rags don't cover yer true'self?' the redhead painter said, quite enthusiastic and interested in the outcome of her proposal.
Before anyone could react to such a proposal, Jester exclaimed a quick 'Okay!', and in a single motion, took her whole dress off.
'I guess that makes a bit of sense.' Imogen followed
'I wasn't expecting such a service, yet it does indeed make an awful amount of sense. Let's just make sure the painting doesn't leave this Palace. Understood?' Lady Vex'ahlia demanded.
'Ah! ye 'ave naught t' worry about! Only I will see yer secret bits. Now get comfortable, 'cause 'tis goin' t' take a while.'

After several stretching pauses, the last stroke was made, and the three ladies couldn't be happier to see such a lively and accurate depiction of their essence. They were so excited with the result that they asked the artist for a second depiction, to which she replied: 'I reckon that's a great idea, but fer the next one, we shall needs some more action, savvy? Some more... darin' action...'


Well, I guess the painting didn't quite stay in the de'Rolo Palace! But hey, a piece needs good curators to take a look at it before calling it finished, aye? And who's better for such a duty than my well-trusted sailors!!

It also seems the second piece of theirs shall immortalize a certain 'more daring action'. I am wondering what the painter meant with this 🍿👀🍿

I think by this point it's obvious what this Cap'n is planning for the next GrouPlays, yet I would like to know, my sailors, if you would like to see the three ladies playing alone, or if they brought someone to compliment their portrait; and if so, who would that be?🍿🍆💦

I am so much looking forward to hear what you think it should be, me hearties! Thank you so much for keeping this ship alive and well! You are the reason this is happening and the reason why this Cap'n keeps at it day after day!!!

You are the best!!!! 😍😍😍


Listening: The Art Of War (Wind Rose)

Feeling: Inspired by the clouds! 🌬️☁️🌤️ (Now I realize how weird that sounds)

Thinking: I could use some sleep 🍿😂👌




I was waiting for that since the first time you teased us with it Cap'tain, and as always, worth the wait !

Tucker Cavender

We've gotten the M-Code, and now the L-Code... A-Code next?


Amazing!! One of my favorites💙👍 thanks captain!!


Ladies playing alone for the next one. But I would love to see all the different combos and team ups the Captain could come up with.


The more combos and ideas, the merrier, me hearty!! Let's try them all!! 😍😍😍