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First of all, I would like to thank you all, my beautiful mateys, for being so patient with this silly ol' cap'n; It's been SO busy these days and weeks and distracting like never before. Yet luckily enough, I be adapting once more to this new reality and place to speed up the makin' of our brew and hot spicy sauce! ('twas about time!).

I am sure many of you don't know what I be talking about, so let me tell y'all!: I recently moved to a new place with a few more square feet of space to place my desk and brew. No more working from the bed :')! And I must thank all of you for such an opportunity because none of this would have been possible without you, my gorgeous sailors!

On the flip side: dang it! I didn't know that moving to a new place would be so distracting and energy-consuming. Looking back at it, I feel silly now for not having predicted that. 🍿😂👌

Yet, as a big thank you for your incredible support and beautiful presence aboard, I want to introduce you to Deanna, the newest addition to the adventurers' family!! And, if you agree, this might be but the first time of many in which we shall see her beautiful face (and dump truck) aboard! 🍑🍑🍑

As a lil' side note, I am thinking about trying new workflows for painting, so we can get thingies faster and even improve the quality beyond what we got so far! I can't wait for the things to come!! And I shall do my best to get back on track and rhythm because you deserve the world, my beautiful sailors!!

You are AWESOME! Stay awesome!! 🥰🥰🥰



Listening: Oh, you don't wanna know. 

Feeling: Tired as all hell but inspired!!

Thinking: We are going to pull this off! For my crew!! YAARGGGG!!!




Mmmmm, Fearne


This is fantastic captain!!! Also...psst..baby chance we could get spider gwen on a poll?


Why does the wolfguy look either tired or worried?


Any way you could do a non-wolf chetney version as well?


I might have failed in conveying the emotions, me hearty!; my intention was to make Chetney to smile slightly, so it would like Deanna has the control in the scene 🤭🤭🤭