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Just when you thought there wasn't much to improve or push higher, Nott comes and breaks all standards with FIVE MINUTES STRAIGHT of stretching with the M9 mateys! And believe me when I say it was a hell to animate 🎨😂👌

I think Nott wasn't fully aware of what a Train Run was supposed to be. After all, they didn't invent trains in Exandria just yet. Oh well, I don't see her complaining after all, though we better get her a warm bath after this 💦🥵🚿

It makes me so happy that we have managed to create this space for exploring new ideas and stories together, my sailors! You have made it possible, and it shows! Because this ship is getting more and more beautiful thanks to the suggestions, support, and participation of every single one of my gorgeous sailors! (Yes!! You!!!) 🍿🥺💓

I firmly believe great things are coming, and I know this Cap'n sounds like a high-fantasy broken record, but looking back, I can see where we are coming from and where we are heading, and the growth is apparent! You make me so proud, me hearties! SO very proud!! 🥰🥰🥰

I shall do my best to surprise you with the next artworks and animations, my beautiful sailors. After all, it is your happiness that makes me happy 🥰🥰🥰

For new horizons and adventures together!!



(If you haven't received the monthly booty, please send me a private message! Patreon loves hitting the booze at the end of the month, getting a bit woonka-woonka! 🥴)




Nott is such a brat, even to Caleb! Guess she can't help herself when it comes to sex! Definitely met her match when Kingsley stepped up to plate. 😈 You spoiled us with this one Capt.n' and we all can't wait to see how you top yourself in the future! 🤩


Next up: double jester stuffing the goblin >:3


Nott the brave, more like Nott the jizzed - Kingsley


Look at that cute little, fucked-silly face.


The only thing missing now is knot taking chutney's knot 😉

Nathaniel Richter

is the animation supposed to be in the popcorn cup?


Loved the progression in this one. Nott getting more sweaty and cum covered as the train kept on rolling... My favorite animation this year so far!


Yep, if you received the code in your messages for the media fire link it'll open the zip file for April 2023 Popcorn Cup, which has the animation inside.


Really enjoyed this one! It was nice to see all the guys enjoy themselves. I really liked how you animated their ball movements and i hope to see one day some a m/m animation


I love the characterizations here. Caleb is sweet, but needs to be told what to do. Fjord is long lasting, but not demeaning enough. Molly is big and brash, but a quick shot. I can't wait to see the girls getting their turn on the train! I just know Yasha is gonna RUIN her!


When I say this is my favorite animation yet, like HOLY COW! The different dynamics Nott had with each party member were fantastic but the face at the end had me wildin!!!🤤😈🤪 Hope to see more like this (especially the bratty energy) in the future 💚 Thank you so much, Cap’n


I loved the animation! Great work. Though I was wondering why no images of cum covered Nott were in the folder with illustrations of the piece?




God notts facial expressions in this animation were beyond amazing, espacially near the end


This was one of the best animations yet captain!!! Anal and a size kink??? Im in heaven!! 😍😍😍😍 For real though it’s been so awesome to see your art evolve and improve day by day! Your animations are just blowing me away month after month. Im so grateful I get to witness your growth it’s been an honor captain 🫡🫡🫡 I’m happily waiting for the day that you animate one of the larger party orgies cause that will be quite the challenge! But so worth it!! 🙏🙏🙏

Tanis Half-Elf

I wonder if the captain has ever thought about doing a blowbang

Degenerate Pepe [Common] BS-0034

This would be really great except I think the camera is bad. The camera kept moving and I found that distracting. I didn't like that several times it would bring Nott's face out of frame.


Thank you so much for helping a fellow crew member, me hearty Dragon! And indeed! Members of the JumboBrotherhood ($10 tier) receive their animated booty every month!! Welcome to the higher deck, me matey!! 😍😍😍


I am so happy you liked it this much!! I will do all that I can to make the next ones be at the same if not higher level!! You deserve only the best, my lovely sailor!! 😍😍😍


We definitely should give some m/m a go!! I be curious myself about bringing a piece like that to life!! 🥰🥰🥰


Hihihi, I am SO very happy you picked up such subtle details! Yet we must give the upper hand to our composer and SFX designer; DrunkenDragon has managed to pull an incredible soundtrack for this one, with a theme for each character, and they have nailed it!! 😍😍😍


Hihih, thank you so much, me hearty! I am so happy you liked it this much! And indeed! The Bratty energy is something we need to keep bringing to the crew!! 🍿😂👌


Thank you so much, me hearty! There weren't images of Nott covered on it because the fluid assets were created for animating after the art was done, and between so many things happening at once, this Cap'n forgot to update the art-files! Apologies, my sailor 🥺🥺🥺


Hihihi, thank you so much, me hearty! I am so pleased you liked it this much!! And I appreciate your support and beautiful words!! It is a challenge but a lovely constant growth thanks to this beautiful crew, and thanks to beautiful sailors like yerself!! Animating an orgy would be REALLY time-consuming, and unfortunately, it would take more than a month to animate. I am not saying no to it, but I believe most of the crew would. Just guessing! Maybe I am 100% wrong 🍿😂👌


We've had a piece in the past with an OC doing one! Maybe it's time to bring it back, maybe even with Jessie's duplicates! 👀👀👀


Thank you for your feedback, me hearty! I tried to keep the camera moving as if the person filming was trying to capture all the action, being in the scene instead of having a mounted camera fixed in one place. I shall do my best to avoid such big movements in the ones to come if that's a thing that takes you away from the action. Thank you once again for your amazing input, me hearty!! I really appreciate it!


Is there anyway I can still get this?


Is there still a way I can see this?


Absolutely, me matey! I just wrote to you in regard to that! Welcome aboard!! 🥰🥰🥰


Hi! Is there a way I can still see this? :)


i'd love to be able to see this.


Ahoy, me hearty! Animations are reserved for the JumboSailors ($10 tier!)! Become part of the JumboBrotherhood and ye shall start receiving the animations of the month!! 😍😍😍


Hi! Is there a way I can still see this?

Nave1803 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-09 10:51:59 This was great, but I’m more concerned that March is happening again Something like: “Return of the month presents; March II: electric boogaloo & knuckles”
2023-05-09 05:02:56 This was great, but I’m more concerned that March is happening again Something like: “Return of the month presents; March II: electric boogaloo & knuckles”

This was great, but I’m more concerned that March is happening again Something like: “Return of the month presents; March II: electric boogaloo & knuckles”


Thank you, my sailor! And as you know, this Cap'n is always trying to improve our crew's experience aboard; what do you think would be better, what would you suggest to do next? :3


Welcome back to this adventure, me hearty! And indeed, I just sent you a PM :3


would i still be able to see this one? ❤️


Ahoy me Captain! o7. I've recently joined the good ship and would love to know how i can view these gorgeous 5 minutes of our lovely goblin girl.


Same! I just joined and would LOVE to see this.


Just joined as well, please share the booty captain!


Absolutely, my sailor! I've just wrote to you on a PM 🥰🥰🥰 Welcome aboard!! 😍😍😍


I just joined as well, sorry I'm late to the party lol


Am I too late?


I'm new here, am I able to get this video?


May I also get the videos?


Welcome aboard, my sailor! I just sent you a PM in regard to this 🥰🥰🥰


It's never too late to join the crew, me hearty, welcome aboard!! 😍😍😍


Am I too late?


Just started supporting today. Can I still get the video?


Captain my Captain! May this hunble deck swab please look upon this booty?


I see a lot of people asking but how do I get this masterpiece?

Ryan Jones

How can I view this wonderful video?


Just joined, Hope you're a kind captain


Hi, is here a way I could still see this, Cpt? I joined about a week ago. 😁


Greetings captain. I'm afraid to say I'm late to the party, any way I could still get this video?


just showed up can i get the video please?


Just arrived, may i have access to this please?


Just joined, can i get access?


Hi ! I just joined and I was wondering if I could access ! Thanks !!