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Well, well, well, well, welll.... WELL!! If it isn't our favorite Goblin receiving the rough love treatment!

I won't lie, me hearties; I am quite happy with how she looks on this one and how aggressive the perspective ended up being! Quite a dynamic shot, and we haven't even started animating it!! Yet more aggressive than the perspective will be that swing from the mighty men that will do all in their power to help not get into a pickle 🍆🥒👃

What can I say, my sailors? Once again, you have chosen wisely! We are in for a treat!! Yet I know, I know; I hear you saying: 'BUT CAPTAIN! How will she fit all those dongs inside being only a pooooor little goblin!?!'. And to that, I have to say:


Stay tuned, my beautiful crew!! For some hardcore stuff is about to take place in Nott's mighty funny holes!


Thinking: Boy, if goblins aren't stretchy!

Feeling: Much better today; I've been sick and weak for the whole past week. I am sorry, my sailors, the schedule got a bit halted :((




Well, now I really look forward the end of the month. Shortstack sassy goblin being put in her place in the most enjoyable way possible scratches so many itches that I'm actually restless. Thanks Cap'n


very excited for this. shortstack goblin is proper loot =D


Hihihi, I shall make sure she looks extra sassy and fits it aaaaall of it in, it's the only way 😈😈😈


Hihihi, I am so happy you like it this much, me hearty!! I shall make sure she looks gorgeous for you!! 🥰🥰🥰


You know, now that there's a degree of crossover between parties, it would be a shame if Pike didn't introduce her fellow insatiable shortstack to the three-legged goliath in the party. Nott might have to return the favor by introducing Pike to Mr. Sunbreaker, that rather charming Minotaur she met back in Xorhas.


Oof! Such spicy ideas!! I love them!! And I love your creativity, my sailor!! 🥰🥰🥰


How do I gain access to the animations


Ahoy, me hearty! The pack has been sent to you! And I hope you liked it as much as Nott seemed to enjoy it 🤭🤭🤭


Absolutely loved this one. Keep doing what you do! See your work before and finally decided to commit to helping you make more. Will I be able to see the animations or will that be at the start of the month when I will?