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YAARG, me mateys!! Another month has flown by and it's time to share Soulgasm's latest updates with the whole crew! We've been working tirelessly and we are very happy with the progress. For those who prefer the condensed version, fear not - we've got you covered with a juicy summary at the end!

🔧 Technical Update

The mysterious world of Unity shaders turned out to be riddled with traps. It has been a long and uneven battle, but by combining the efforts of a few bright minds together, the team has finally solved the technical bits.  The shaders are now fully tamed and ready to produce some nice visuals ✨

Another area that has been receiving a lot of attention is the integration of the animated model for dialogues. This is an essential part of the game, and we want to make sure that it's just right. We're paying close attention to the details, from the character animations to the dialogue itself.  We’ve learned a lot from each step of this journey, and we can’t wait to see the final outcome.

In addition to the work on shaders, we're also making great strides with the first version of the game's user interface. We understand how important the UI is for players, and we're putting a lot of thought and care into making everything accessible and visually pleasing. From the main menu to in-game elements, we're ensuring that every aspect of the game is a feast for the eyes. It’s real nice to see how it paid off.

📝 Writing

This month we were on fire with the final touches for the game demo. We designed a complete plot outline,  shaping the events, puzzles, and quests that players will encounter. The whole narrative design took a few rounds of solid reworking, but now a prize awaits: writing the dialogue scenes. This is where the characters truly come alive, revealing their motivations, personalities, and quirks 👀 We're on the edge of our seats as we write these scenes, eager to see how players react to the interactions between characters and how they influence the story. Get ready for an emotional rollercoaster!

🎨 Art

We've been working our animating magic, and now our girl Farah got so expressive that we began to suspect she might be conscious. We've been putting in the extra effort to make sure that every expression is perfectly in sync with the lipsync and dialogue system. It's a ton of work, but seeing her come to life is totally worth it.

And that's not all, we're also hitting the ground running with the artwork for the game's intro cinematic. Our brushes have been working overtime as we paint away, bringing the cinematic to life with every stroke 🤩

🎼 Music

We're thrilled to announce that DrunkenDragon, the talented creator behind CptPopcorn soundtracks, has joined our Team to work on the music and sound effects for the game! With their unique style and passion for creating immersive audio experiences, we're confident that they'll bring an extra level of energy to the game 🎷

🧠 Final Thoughts

This month has been a whirlwind of technical progress and creative breakthroughs. The team has been working hard on perfecting the game intro, and it's been a blast to see everything come together. From the visuals to the sound effects, we're confident that players are going to love what we have in store for them.

And speaking of in-store treats, we can't wait to share the spicy dialogues that our writer has been brewing up! It's been a joy to bring the characters to life and delve deeper into their personalities and motivations. We're sure that players will connect with the cast in a big way, and we can't wait to see their reactions.

Of course, none of this progress would have been possible without the continuous support of yours and our incredible Spice Seekers! Your belief in our vision has been the wind in our sails, and we're eternally grateful for your participation and encouragement. We're excited to continue this journey together, and we can't wait to see what the future holds for Soulgasm! Thank you for everything, and here's to another month of progress and excitement!

Swift winds and get the sails ready! For the journey ahead is going to be epic!!


📃 Devlog Summary (TL;DR):
  • Sound Designer joins the Team!
  • Unity shaders research completed,
  • Character dialogue integration in progress,
  • Game Interface Design in progress,
  • Game Demo story completed!
  • Game Demo dialogues in progress,
  • Game intro cinematic in progress,
  • Character art in progress,
  • Character animation continues!




That animation is adorable. It makes me think she is nuzzling ir rubbing her head into pets or something. Endearing expressions!


I've started to really look forward to these updates and the animation previews, which keep getting better and better. Take care of yourself, Cap'n - you've convinced this sailor that the journey ahead shall be worth the wait!


How will this game be played?


Hihihi, thank you, me hearty! I am so happy you like her! She for sure likes you!! 🥰🥰🥰


Thank you so much, me hearty! It honestly warms my heart to know I have such a lovely and passionate sailor aboard. I will make all that I can for staying healthy and motivated! We have so many stories yet to tell!! 🥰🥰🥰


We are aiming to make it for PC and mobile at first, my sailor! Thank you for asking 🥰🥰🥰