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Ahoy, me hearties! It is time for another update on Soulgasm's devlog! Yet don't forget to check the previous one if you missed it! We are currently making progress like there's no tomorrow. So, let's get right into it!! (And for those who want the short version, we've got a summary at the end!)

🔧 Technical Update

The team is delving deeper into the exciting realm of Unity shaders, exploring new ways to elevate the game's visuals. From experimenting with lighting effects to playing with colors, each step is a fun and rewarding journey. We're thrilled to see the game's world come to life in new and beautiful ways and can't wait to see the final outcome and share it with players!

We are also crafting a beautiful game interface, including elements such as menus, buttons, and other on-screen elements. From the main menu to the in-game UI, we're making sure everything is easily accessible and pleasing to the eye. We can't wait to see it in action 🤩

How it started 🔽

How it's going 🔽

🔼Worry not, in-game dialogs won't be as cringe. OR WILL THEY?? 😱

📝 Writing

Crafting a story for the game demo has been an incredible journey! We've been creating characters that are so real, they're practically our roommates. Their motivations are our motivations, their problems are our problems. For the demo we managed to carve out a piece of the big story that will leave players wanting more. Can't wait for getting a taste of our demo and seeing the effects of our work!

We've also been busy storyboarding and working on the game's intro cinematic. It's like we're directing a blockbuster movie. We've gone through so many versions of the script, we've lost count - currently we're on version 4 or 5, but who's counting? We're excited to see players' reactions when they watch the intro and get a feel for the story🙈

How it started 🔽
How it's going 🔽

🎨 Art

Last month was all about character design, and boy, did we design some characters! Expect to meet these characters soon 👀

We also got a sneak peek at Farah's animation and let me tell you, it's mesmerizing! We'll be posting a closer look in a separate video, so you can see for yourself 👌😩

Farah is now looking at you (respectfully)!

🧠 Final Thoughts

It's only been three months of working on Soulgasm and we had our fair share of concerns and worries, like any team starting out. But we're happy to report that it's been smoother sailing than we ever could have hoped for!

None of this would have been possible without your support on this incredible journey and, especially, the fantastic Spice Seekers who believe in our game development and decided to support Soulgasm directly!! Your participation and support have been and is pretty much crucial in bringing this dream to life and this captain is deeply grateful 🥰

Thank you SO much, and get ready for an exciting journey as we continue to make Soulgasm a reality!


📃 Devlog Summary (TL;DR):
  • Unity shaders research ongoing,
  • Game Interface Design in progress,
  • Game Demo character design completed,
  • Game Demo story in progress,
  • Game Demo dialogues starting,
  • Game intro cinematic in progress,
  • Character art in progress,
  • Character animation in progress,
  • Level design in progress!




man, that interaction snippet is above and beyond what most top tier japanese visual novels manage. looks amazing =D


It looks like it's coming along spectacularly! Can't wait to see more of it!


Hihihi, thank you so much, for your sweet words, me hearty!! We are doing all that we can for bringing an experience to life that didn't exist before: The best for my sailors, and our seekers 🥰🥰🥰


Thank you so much, me hearty!! And indeed, we feel the game is evolving quite well and, honestly, quite fast!! We are SO excited about all this!! And we want to make sure this is going to be the best possible experience for ye! 🥰🥰🥰