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Who would have thought our favorite monk would find so much joy in keeping such a secret from her lady? 🤭🤭🤭

What a month, me hearties!! After a week of covid, where this Cap'n had only a quarter of strength (both for painting and for even taking a shower standing :/ ), we didn't only pull some nice pieces for the month but also managed to get started with our very first game!! And let me tell you, me mateys: it is going great!!

Challenges are ahead, yet we are facing them one by one and making progress rather quickly!! 

In the following days, I shall share formal news about it, and I hope you are as excited as I am!!! This dream is finally happening!! And it is all thanks to YOU !!!!  AAAAAA 😍😍😍

🍿🥰😍 YOU ROCK IT! 😍🥰🍿


(If you haven't received the monthly booty, please send me a private message! Patreon loves getting Trollololo-loololo-looololoooooh at the end of the month! 🥴)




You are so talented! I love this! Keep up the great work and I hope you get back to 100% ASAP. Thank you!

Licorice Lain

I can see some booty right now. ;)

larz larcom

Ah so their adventure continues! Well done captain, well done indeed.


little disappointed i must say. the teasers made it seem that Beau would be topless for the whole animation and no ‘while she watches’


Lesson learned, stop spam voting beauyasha and give the other girls a turn!


Lovely work as always cap'n! Hope you are feeling better!


I didn’t get it


Thank you so much, me hearty!! I am slowly but surely getting back to it! You deserve a Cap'n that can provide!! 🥰🥰🥰


I m sorry to hear that, me hearty! I chose to reveal them boobies after the first half of the animation for a story purpose; so it would make sense for the script and for Beau's dominant and a bit contradictory nature ;)


Aww thank you so much me hearty! I am slowly recovering, like a wolverine sloth !🤭🤭🤭


I did not get one