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'There was something different about this client...'


Now I have a little challenge for you, my sailors: This Cap'n brewed the art, but you shall bring its story to life!! Hit me with yer story in the comments! The rule is  to start it with the sentence 'There was something different about this client...'

I can't wait to read all of you, me mateys!! 😍😍😍


I also wanted to share some news because these are being some quite wonky-donky-weeks, and I want you to know the reason; As some of you might have noticed, we are about to break through our next (And greatest) milestone on this ship! And as such, this Cap'n is getting ready to make our very first game come to life!! Soon we shall be officially announcing it, and you shall be the first to hear about it! 🥰🥰🥰

I am so excited about sharing this news with you, me hearties! Because it is thanks to you that all of that is going to be possible!! Thanks to you, we can use all our creativity on it without the restrictions on the stories, characters (and... well... the smut that we all love!) that a directive or publisher would force us not-to-do.

This is great news, me mateys! Because we shall get our first taste of the world we are building together 🥰🥰🥰

Hence, I am asking you for a little bit of patience until we figure out the fundamentals for the game and the team that is being gathered, and honestly, I can't wait to share all the details!

This is something I want to make for you, something I've waited for so long to make happen, and you made it happen, my sailors.

You are my angels.

Thank you =)




https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-jH5zqKI7LIdVr5fuzpP-HTGlSUn3ET2B5LAOMlTDMQ/edit?usp=sharing Apologies for the shortness of this. I just sped through writing this as I read your challenge captain. Let me know what you all think.


*In Jesters voice*: "There was something different about this client..... 1. He was SOOO big! And he was tall too! Haha! 2. His body, his voice, his EYES, they just made butterflies flutter inside of me! 3. I've never wanted a client to come back SOO much before..... I think I might have found my "Freebie" client, my mother calls them. I really, REALLY, hope he cums back for more!"


Aw Missed opportunity to have the Ruby holding Jester's boobs


I’d love to see the ruby teaching jester how to give a good footjob, but alas I know I am weird


when I see this animated I will simply, pass away c:


Need more!!! This is amazing! Well done captain


I hooope this gets animated?

Degenerate Pepe [Common] BS-0034

Stunning, it is always a pleasure to see the two jewels of the Menagerie coast drawn by the cap'n.


So sad this isn't animated 😭


I would have added more to the sexy times, but I felt like I would do a disservice to the Captains art with my weak writing XD.


I hope you do more fjord x jester animations in the future I love the couple.


Hihihi, I think your story was amazing! It definitely went with the energy this artwork needed!! Thank you so much, me hearty!! 🥰🥰🥰


Oh I am trying to keep it wholesome without falling into conflicted realms, if you know what I mean 👀👀👀


Hihihi, more is coming, my sailor!! Thank you so much for your kind message 🥰🥰🥰


Ooh, it is such a pleasure to bring them to ye, me hearty!! I think we definitely need more!!! 😍😍😍


Hihihi, that gives me great ideas, me hearty! Let's bring some more in the future!! 😍😍😍