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[Part 3 - Sc1] 

(...)"Laudna--Y--you realize this is a strap-0n, right?"
"I beg your pardon??"
"This serves for a very specific purpose, Laudna--"
"Oh, well, I thought that purpose would make up for a beautiful necklace. Though I dare to admit, the rock size seemed a bit excessive." She replied, a bit disappointed by her present choice.
"You don't know what this is f--"
"--I have no idea, no." Laudna rushed to answer with an innocent smile. 
"People--" Imogen began, "--wear this--" gathering the words, "--when they--" to make it as unawkward as possible.
"Mhm--mhm." Laudna responded enthusiastically with the curious grin of a young soul.
"--want to have sex." The pink-haired lady finished her sentence while a warm blush on her cheeks started to spread.
"Oh--OH!--" The taller one reacted. Lacking words. After several long seconds of embarrassing silence, she regretfully apologized, "I am sorry--I thought it was such a pretty rock, and truly these look like a neckl--"
"Laudna, I love it."
After thinking for a bit, Laudna admitted with a shy smile, "I am very confused."
"I think I am a bit as well because there is something I would like to ask you--" Imogen began her confession without letting go of the dark leather stripes that held her new gift. "Would you like to try it out?"


I hope you liked the little surprise from last month, me hearties! I held myself from showing you this piece and scene just to make a point: that you are the best and deserve the best this Cap'n has to offer!! 🥰🥰🥰

I also hope you enjoyed Laudnagen's telepathic encounter. It was certainly one of the pieces I enjoyed doing the most! This proves once more how good you are choosing the candidate of the month!! Thank you so much for helping this silly ol' seadog with such a difficult decision! You make this journey an absolute blast!!

And as such, many adventures loom ahead! With great stories to be told and even more spicy booty to be shared!!

Let's do this, my lanterns! 



Listening: Stone Paths (Tommy Baynen) 

Feeling: 🥴💤

Thinking: BOI! I need to sleep 🎨😂👌



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