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After the abrupt matutinal interruption, Imogen made a bit of space on her bed for the pale yet sweet intruder to sit. "I am sorry, Imogen. I didn't mean to wake you up in such a rude way," Laudna started. "I just needed to take this out of my--chest. To tell you how sorry I am--" She continued between lively hand gestures, revealing a heart-shaped box of chocolates of many kinds. "I am so, so very sorry about your rock." While dark tears started to fall through her cheeks, "I just don't know what happ--."
"Laudna, mah dear--" Imogen held her hand and continued: "I understand. And I don't blame you. I could feel it wasn't you. You weren't yourself, and I knew it--I--". Imogen held her tongue.
Silence flooded the room. Only the whimpering of a regretful pale lady could be heard while dark drops occasionally hit the wooden floor.
"--I forgive you." She delivered in her friend's mind.
"You-- You do?" Laudna was in total disbelief. Whilst her lips remained static.
"I do, of course, I do!" She smiled with the room covered in silence. "You are my best friend, and I miss you." She telepathically confessed, softly grabbing her chin, locking eyes with her. "Even when being next to each other."
"Ooh, Imogen!--" She exclaimed in tears, jumping to her arms and hiding her face on the sorceress's chest.
"It's okay, it's okay," Imogen comforted, caressing Laudna's hair and neck.
Yet something else called Imogen's attention in the room. Something next to her friend. It might have been a small reflection or the black leather that seemed to wrap around it: Eh--Laudna? What do you have there?
"Oh, this! Ashton told me you might appreciate another rock, so I got you this one; I found it cute and thought about you. It even comes with some straps to hold it, apparently!"
"Laudna--Y--you realize this is a strap-0n, right?"
"I beg your pardon??"


Well, well well!! That was a bit of a correction on the trajectory of this story! And honestly, I couldn't be happier!! I am so happy my lovely sailors helped this silly ol' seadog to find the best direction for these friends' (Wink-wink) journey!

Thank you so much for the aid, me hearties! Creativity tends to find its limits from time to time! 🤭

Also please let me share with you the fact that this is half of the story that leads to what's happening in the artwork! Soon to share the rest of it ;)

Oh, and since some sailors have asked for it, this Cap'n has also included the unfinished bits of Imogen with Lord Esterosh as it was planned to be in the first place! I hope you enjoy the bits as well ;)

Let's see what comes next, my lovely Lanterns in the night! Great thingies are in the making, just for ye!! 😍😍😍


Listening: Poetry of the Poisoned. Pt1: Incubus (Kamelot) 

Watching: Just finished The Boys!! I can't recommend it enough! Go and watch it!!

Feeling: Rather great!

Thinking: Can't wait to write something about Succubus/Incubus mythology 👀👌



John Folmer

Those look great! Hope you had a good time making them!


Man if we could get Alts of Imogen hair (short, or buzzed) to make it time appropriate XD


Absolutely amazing. I wonder what other ways Laudna could “apologize”.


Amazing as always. Also just out of curiosity is there a reason you portray Imogen’s hair as pink instead of purple? Just curious! And totally second having some short hair/buzzed looks on Imogen. Maybe even her and Chet getting at it with her wearing the beanie cap he gave her, that would be awesome. ♥️♥️


Awe blurred her feet☹️ lol


Thank you so much for letting me know, me hearty! I just fixed that by including a lil' close-up to them! 🤭


Thank you so much, me hearty!! And indeed! I took a bit of an artistic license, as it were, when it came to Imogen's hair; I was looking to portray her as a sweet soul with a kind and shy personality (in contrast to Laudna). Hence, I switched to a softer/warmer color for the hair, to give such an appearance! I hope you still like her! Do you think we should portray her with purple hair instead? Let me know what ye think! :3


Hahahah, it looks like we are getting the final animation perfectly timed for when her hair will be back to normal!! 🍿😋👌


Great work as always. I would love to see Laudna and General Ratanish doing a "private dance". It can´t be that i´m the only one who saw something between them at the ball.


Another incredible job with this captain! Love the focus on the feet just wish it wasn’t blurry, we could always use more feet loving on these rough seas!


Oh hell yeah.


Honestly, that doesn't sound bad at all, me hearty!! Thank you so much for your kind words!! 🥰🥰🥰


Oh, worry not, my sailor! I will do my best to bring some focus to the feet in the animation! We deserve some foot attention!! 😍😍😍


I mean mainly because I love purple hair 😂 so I’d be interested in seeing it!! She looks gorgeous either way ♥️♥️


how do i view the animation? :)


Ahoy, me mateys! You can get any of the previous JumboPacks through gumroad.com/cpt_popcorn! Yet please remember to make use of your Discount Code! 🥰🥰🥰 Please let me know if you need assistance with anything else! For yer Cap'n is always around!! YAARGG!!