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I declare myself guilty of getting into the Geiru Toneido hype! I just couldn't resist the opportunity given to bring that Southern accent once more 🤤🤤🤤

Make me proud me hearties! And make your vote count! For as soon as we define the direction, this drifter shall sail away at full speed!!

Also please let me know what would you like to see next, me hearties! Would you like to see more guests from other universes? Would you like to see how our very own universe develops with our lovely OCs? Or maybe more Critical Role content sounds like a 'hell yeah!' to you? Hit me in the comments with your ideas or if you feel too shy, send me a PM!!

Now let's get some good spicy popcorn to pop for ye, aye? ;)



Little bit of column A Little bit of column B Even a little bit of column OC

Michael Parman

Why is it so hard to pick out just one? 😩 I'd honestly love to see each of them animated.

Haziq Hussain

Chel - The Road to Eldorado Elastigirl - The Incredibles Aunt Cass - Big Hero 6 Shego - Kim Possible Would loooooove to see what you can do with these ladies in your hands 😍😍😍


I would love to see Chel from The Road to El Dorado in Hobart style.


I'd love to see the goddess Sarenrae from Pathfinder RPG drawn by you, Captain. Since she is also a minor goddess from CR, she could even star with her faithful Pike ;)


Ah! A good salad is a variety salad!! Wised words me hearty!! 🥗😍👌


Me too!! I wish I had a magic clock that allowed me to stop time to work on them, for you deserve much more, me hearty! 😔😔😔


Ah!! All of them are lovely ideas, me hearty! Now let's make some of those happen!! 😍😍😍


She sounds like a great idea, my sailor!! Do you have a video or source where I can get to see a good interpretation of hers? So I get a bit of her personality and lore :3


Yes of course.


As per Pathfinder: https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Sarenrae As per CR: https://criticalrole.fandom.com/wiki/Sarenrae

Michael Parman

Ah, but there will be time yet. 😁 Don't burn out your health or your creative spark, Captain.


If we're going by Pathfinder Lore, I'll point out that she's in a throuple with Shelyn and Desna *wink wink nudge nudge* https://www.deviantart.com/boudicca/art/Shelyn-106019866 https://cdn.paizo.com/image/content/Blog/20200121-godesses.jpg (Left to right, Shelyn, Desna and Sarenrae)


Captain Amelia from treasure planet


Nintendo characters would be a fun idea: Peach, Zelda, Samus, Shantae, etc


I third the vote for Chel, and also vote for AtLA girls as well.


These three beauties are pure fire!! We must do something about it!! 😍😍😍


It would be truly divine to see them "come" to life. 😎