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“Maybe he forgot.” She thought to herself with a sigh while watching the candle burning through the wax, right outside Chetney’s room. “I should stop thinking I deserve to be l—”
Her thoughts were halted by a broken and dissonant howling at the other side of the wall. Immediately after, the door bolted open: It was that short-tempered man receiving her companion and fulfilling his promise.
Noticing Fearne’s presence, he rushed to lay against the wooden frame and relaxed his stance: “So... do you come here often?”


It was time for this lady to show how those two friends of hers dance and bounce! That's what awaits us deep into May, my sailors! IMO, that sounds like pretty good news!

She might tower over that little fellow, but as years of life and experience soar on his back, Chetney knows how to keep his cool. And how to be a gentleman with a manner-deserving lady as well! It seems he has been learning from my gorgeous sailors 🥰🥰🥰

Soon to bring more updates!! If you want, of course :3

And one more thingy, quite an important one!: How should we call this ship? Fearney? Chetne? I would love to hear your ideas!! 😍😍😍


Listening: Beyond Measure (Devin Townsend) 

Thinking: The things to come-- they are-- so bright, my sailors.

Feeling: A little bit anxious!



trodin _

This is the animation for the month, right cause I really hope it is


Damn. If he motorboat those thing he will drown!!

John Folmer

Fearney feels like a better name for the ship as she kinda drives the whole thing. Much like how she'll work her way through the entirety of the Belle's Hells, the name should feature her first.


Oh boy I so excited for this!


Me sees 3o’clock in my notifications. #diesofexcitement


Callopea ain't bad. I do love that even though Fandom draws him short, Chetney gains like at least 3 feet in height when he becomes a Werewolf. This night between them is all kinds of sexy!


I do rather like Fearne, she comes across as all kinds of naughty.


More like 3 O'cock!


I got excellent news for you, me hearty! For the answer is YESS!!! 🤭🤭🤭


Thank you, me hearty! And I absolutely agree, me hearty! Fearney shall be the name of this ship! She deserves the honour!! 🥰🥰🥰


Hihihi, I will do my best to impress you even much much further, my lovely sailor!! 😍😍😍


Hihihih, absolutely! And this Cap'n is taking that into consideration! So let us wait for the 4o'clock piece! We shall see how the lil' gnome gets a couple more feet to toy around with ;)


That is so true, my sailor!! I truly hope this gorgeous crew keeps choosing her in the future polls 🤭🤭🤭


Her breast and nipples look so hot here, areola detail 10/10😍😍


Thank you so much, me hearty!! And wait to see them bouncing!! 🤭🤭🤭


Love it! Can't wait to see the animation!


Very soon, me hearty!! I be making sure it will be worth the wait!! 🥰🥰🥰