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Eria's Lust story Part 1

Days ahead into the journey, they kept their secret closely guarded. If someone revealed the vice hidden among Eria’s clandestine meetings with prince Isel, that could ruin the reputations of both. They needed to be careful and not raise any suspicion.
“Maybe the old wives’ tales about Zenithians are true.” She thought to herself. She had never been truly convinced by these stories: a superior race of the wealthy and successful, who were seen as ‘destined for greatness and ruling’... It did not sit right with her. On the other hand, she had to admit that Isel presented a particular kind of charm, far from any she could remember. For the first time in a while, she felt beautiful and wanted. And she knew this would mean trouble.
Despite the anxiety of being caught and the desperate need for that prince’s warmth, she stood firm wearing the captain’s hat. At the front of the Cirrus Swifter, lost in the horizon and within her thoughts.
“Greetings, Captain.” Eria abruptly got out of her trance, noticing Isel casually walking around the drifter’s deck. His blue skin has a particular shade, probably caused by the clouds slowly passing by. “It is certainly nice to see you today.”
“Ahoy, Mr. Isel,” She managed to utter. “Care to join me in me quarters for a morning tea?”
He smiled, and his eyes sparkled with a puzzling shine of light. After gently offering his arm, he said, “It will be my pleasure.”
Entering the room, Eria felt the warmth of his arm and body, barely holding herself from jumping on him. Once the door closed behind them, Isel pushed her delicately against the wood while the air around them got slightly warmer.
“I couldn’t wait to see you again, I must admit.” He whispered, his breath tickling her ear. Yet out of a sudden, he took a step back and walked towards the lower shelves around the table. “Tell me about yourself, Eria. We haven’t had much of an opportunity yet, and I would love to know more about you.”
Surprised, the redhead let him take the lead. Utterly unlike any prince, Isel started to prepare hot tea for both of them. His blue lips sent her an encouraging smile. She sat on the edge of the chair and firmly replied: “I’ll tell you about me, but love, that’s gonna be pricey--”
And without hesitation, she pulled Mr. Isel onto the table, throwing the maps and trinkets in all directions while both rushed to undress.


And thus! Our favorite redhead captain finds herself on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster, but she better be careful, because some things are not allowed when you are in charge of a drifter! (Flying ship)

I don't know how about you, but I honestly feel it is so incredible to give Eria (our Eria!) life in such a way, to create a world around her and characters that will move her emotionally and--well--physically by quite a bit as well, ahem--

Now I am wondering if you are curious about any character in particular, or if you would like to have yer Cap'n creating someone new! Hit me with yer ideas!!


Listening to: Sister of Pearl (The Names) 

Feeling: A bit demotivated, hopefully soon we will be back to normal =)



Aiden Holm

This month is just full of bangers, keep it up King 👑💪 Love the work you've been putting out


Mmmmmm Cap'n, Eria looks DELICIOUS 😋 Great as always


Yep, she’s still cute, thanks for confirming lol


Eria! Always first place!


Not me having a massive crush on Eria XD


That is magnificent, I think I’m in love with Eria, I hope there’s a part 3


your work is actually insane. so hot. keep it coming, youre so talented!!


Aww, thank you so much, me hearty!! It means so much to me! I will do my best to do an even better job with the next pieces to come, you deserve only the best out of this Cap'n!! 🥰🥰🥰


Hihihi, I'm sure she wouldn't mind sharing a bit of her deliciousness with such a fine crew 🤭🤭🤭


Hahahha and we got lots more of confirmations yet to come 🎨😩👌 Thank you for being so awesome, me hearty!!


Three and beyond, my sailor! She is a main figure on this ship 🤭🤭🤭


Ohhh, thank you so much, me hearty!! It means so much to this ol' seadog! I promise I shall only do better in the future! Because you deserve the best out of this Cap'n!! 🥰🥰🥰

John Storm

Very lovely character and action :)


Thank you so much, me hearty!! I can't wait for us to explore her story (and kinks!🤭) even further!!