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"How is it to live among the horses?" Imogen replied, Taking a few moments to go on. "Peaceful, purposeful, and most importantly--quiet. It is not like the town. Or, gods forbid! The city! The mind of a horse is soft, almost silent, I would say." She made a pause while finishing brushing one of the horses at the barn. A house located deep into the golden fields of the Temult household.
"It feels like a dream--Or the way a dream should be." Imogen continued. "Where all the problems and violence are so far, you could barely say they happened. Sometimes it gets repetitive and monotonous, yet even thinking about it sounds like a good trade these days." She proceeded, leaving the brush aside to organize a pile of hay next to the barn entrance. "I really missed it all, and I am happy you joined me out here, so far from adventure. At least for a while."
"I know we just arrived, and we are still tired after such a long trip but--I would like to share a little secret of mine with you." Making herself comfortable on the top of the dry grass. One by one, while she was taking off her garments, she revealed: "It is a name, two actually, which I earned with time: the Tamer and the Rider. And today, I will let you choose which one I'm gonna be."


It's been a whiiile since our last CR pinup! And I am so happy to bring this format to Imogen, for she is such a delight and absolutely deserves the honour! 

I hope you share my enthusiasm for the setup and our bubble gum princess in general! I have the feeling we haven't given her enough love yet, and the same goes for the Laudna. Certainly, a duo that deserves its own chapter!

I can't wait to see what will be the next chapter, my sailors! Yet please allow me to remind you how awesome you are because thanks to your help and your incredible kindness, this ship stays afloat! Surfing the clouds (full of smut, apparently!) and reaching for new horizons!!

I also want to thank you so much for the incredible support you give me every day; honestly, this is a dream to live and experience as an artist. I love creating all the stories and artworks we bring to life on this ship! And I must admit, that 2000 number looks more real than ever (And more daunting too!), so it seems we are going to have an exciting time ahead. I couldn't be happier about it!!

From the bottom of my heart and the deepest of my hat: Thank you. You are just--Breathtaking 🥰🥰🥰


Edit: Added a version with glasses! Big shoutout to my sailor Vincent who pointed it out!! 🥰🥰🥰


Listening: Stellar Shadows (RealX) 

Thinking: That hair really looks like bubble gum 🤭🤭🤭

Feeling: Hard to feel bad with such a gorgeous Sun outside!! 🤩🤩🤩



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