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This cap'n wants to know what specific areas and features of this CptPopcorn's Booty you enjoy the most. So I can make an extra effort on the areas of most interest at the cost of those of least :3

So hit me, my sailors! Which one of these sparks you the most joy? :D

(If something you would love to see isn't on the list, please add it in the comments!) For this cap'n loves new ideas!


John Folmer

I mean I do also enjoy esthetically pleasing sfw stuff. Or just cool pictures

Licorice Lain

Can't have animations without the lewds they are based on

Michael Parman

If I'm being honest, Captain, I have thoroughly enjoyed all of your content that I've seen from the very first picture. Everything's freaking amazing!


For some reason notification for this ended in my spam :) I love everythink you do Sketches, Pinups, Sexy Illustrations and Animation the most :)


Most of it really, glad I could tick more than one box. The only thing I don't really look at are the process videos. I'm sure any artist, creator, or aspiring artist/creator out there can get a lot of information and technique from them so they are valuable, it's just not my personal thing since I am not in one of those categories.