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Ahooy, me mateys!

...and what a treat it was to have this adventure while getting ready for the third campaign! I won't lie to you, my sailors; I miss our nerds so much 😭😭😭

But for now, let's get to the real matters here: THE BOOTY!

I gotta admit, I thought Opal's iridescence would end up being such a challenge, but instead, it was just a mild pain in the butty-butt. EVERYTHING FOR MY SAILORS! Besides... That iridescent hair is worth the shot!! 😙👌

Alrighty, no spoilers, but please let this cap'n know in the comments if this is the closure for ExU's first season finale you were looking up to! For this one is indeed...

(...wait for it...)


Thank you so much for your support, my lovely sailors! This cap'n can create all these pieces (and many more to come!) only thanks to you!!



Since you have reached so far down the nonsense this captain writes to alleviate a mild personal existential crisis, why don't you hit me as well with ideas on what you would like to see next? I dare you to I inspire this ol' sea dog!




Amazing work Cap’n!!!

Jimithey Nolan

Looking forward to the animation.

John Storm

Great stuff may some pubic hair 😊


Off the top off my head, how about Captain Amelia from treasure planet? Our lovely captain drawing another lovely captain? Also agree with John Storm on the pubic hair part, it's very sexy and deserves some spotlight :)


Great picture and I love the way she is drawn in this. I am also impressed on how you got her hair to look iridescent.


Great work! As far as inspiration, and following the theme of captains, maybe Avantika would be a good idea 🤭