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Ahoy, me mateys!

With Fjordplay2 about to be finished, now yer cap'n needs to find some sense on the winds! 'cause the ship needs to readjust its direction, and the horizon needs to be pointed! So, tell me hearties: What should our next animation be about?

Note: If you change your mind after Fjordplay2, worry not! For the poll shall be open until after it be delivered (Very soon!! YAARG!)


Michael Parman

Oh, dear Captain, so many choices and a burning desire to see them all!


Oh dear... I'd love to see some Drow or Widowmaker booty at play :P


I’d love one day for a lesbian animation with Beau and Yasha. Sadly not an option


Yaar the coolest captain i know!


My personal favorite is any Beau or Yasha works, but Fjordplay is fantastic


Oh well... How about we brin'' them both on the next poll, me hearty? 😍😍😍 (I just love both your ideas hihihi)


Oh, that's coming, me hearty! I haven't included such options just yet because its complexity would be too much for this cap'n! Remember: These are my first animations ever, which also means good news: the best is yet to come!! 🍿😍🍿


A cap'n is nothing without amazing sailors such as yourself!! YOU are the cool one here, me hearty!! 🍿😍🍿


:D also personal thought, maybe preferential voting rather than just single target voting ?:)


Ooh. I very much look forward to the future then Cap’n!