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Ahoooy me hearties!!

Ah! What a pleasure is to be on this ship with such amazing sailors! You ask why? Well... Tieflings seem to be quite often visitors!! And I couldn't be happier about it!

For that reason, say hi to the lovely Calliope, willing to share her smile, penetrating eyes, and feet apparently! Will you show her around for a while, me mateys? ;)


Listening: Keyboard Milk (Röyksopp) 

Feeling: Quite tired! But I shall go on!! My crew needs me!! 😍😍😍

Thinking: Oh, this is gonna be awesome 👀🍿




Wow I love her already 😤💦

John Folmer

Omg I love her eyes! Your work is always amazing cptn, thank you so much for being your beautiful amazing self


Wow!! You really outdid yourself on this one Captain!! This is one of your best works ever if I do say so myself. That background is almost as stunning as our lovely bard!


Oh wow, i aboslutely love the kinky smile she has in the last picture!

Doom At Dusk

I don't think her eyes are gonna be the only thing penetrating here. Sexy work with this one.


You are right she is the bard of my dreams.


She's a beauty Captain! You are amazing! And such lovely feet too, hopefully we get more feet content from you in the future!


I hope she play with my instrument too.


The foot, YUS


cpt out here making my girl look so good❤

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-18 12:26:49 Great work, may I mention the background is almost the most beautiful thing in the art? Looking forward to see you further improve <3
2020-11-24 23:22:48 Great work, may I mention the background is almost the most beautiful thing in the art? Looking forward to see you further improve <3

Great work, may I mention the background is almost the most beautiful thing in the art? Looking forward to see you further improve <3


Aww, thank YOU so much for being this nice, always, and so supportive, my amazing Rem! You are such a gem of a person!


I don't know what to say! You are making me blush! Thank you so much, from a blushed cheeks captain hihihi


Hihihi, I am so happy you like it, me hearty!! Definitely going to make more of such kinky expressions on the next pieces ;)


I couldn't agree more! I think we need to make her... in more... particular circumstances 👀🍿


Hihihi, we need to explore here a bit more... oh what the hell, A LOT more!! 🍿😍🍿


As a bard with proficiency on instruments of many kinds... she's quite a talent blowing! 🍿😂🍿


Your girl is such a beauty!! Can't wait to bring her back to the Popcorn Universe!! Thank you so much for bringing this beautiful commission to the captain, my sailor!!


Hihihi, thank you so much, my sailor! And you totally got me! I see landscape, I need to put extra love there because I enjoy landscaping in such a huge way!! There is so much to them... the context, the story, the mood they bring is just impossible to bring it in any other way! I wish i had more time for landscaping... maybe soon!