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Ahoy me mateys!!

This is a piece commissioned by u/PM_ME_PEGGED_BUTTS and honestly it been a lot of fun!! Thanks a lot for your patronage, my sailor!!

It was so much fun painting the transparency on the water and Beau's melting expression towards Korra... I can't get enough of ladies' love!! I hope you share the same feeling ;)

On the Captain's News, I wanted to share with you that even though I am still drowning on commissions, freelances, and part-time jobs, I am slowly fulfilling all of those and will soon be back to keep working exclusively on the content for you, my crew! You deserve me to deliver more material in less time than I am actually doing. Not being able to achieve all my personal deadlines (Including -and mostly- the smut for you, my loves) really bugs me up and makes me angry at myself, and a little bit sad. But things are changing, and once everything settles down a little bit, I have very ambitious plans that I feel pretty confident you will lose your mind to them!!

Let's see what comes next! And let's make it happen!!!


Listening to: Lineage 2 Ost 




Wtf? Why did I not know I needed this before now? This is amazing!


*fans self* I love it when there is cunnilingus <3 <#


Take your time, we appreciate the quality and are super glad you’ve got work that’s paying right now. Thank you for the transparency!


While looking at this I was constantly saying oh my god because how great this is

Runus Brewblade

I am blown away by this. Wonderful work!

William Miller

A pairing I never knew I wanted. Great job!


Thank you so much for your support!! Even though I feel I am super lucky to be connected with a few companies I enjoy working with, I feel my main commitment is with my crew! You are the most supportive and lovely human beings I've had the privilege to meet, and I am so thankful for that!! ❤️❤️❤️ You are amazing, I mean it =)


Hihihi thank you!! I am so happy you liked it this much! I truly hope next pieces will be much-much better! You deserve the best of the best!!