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Ahoy me hearties!!

Ah, the amazing size difference once again getting us to uncharted territories! I've been told last time that I depicted Grog too small, that he should be even bigger! 

Therefore behold! Here they come, and shall be an interesting meeting indeed! Now, before I show anything more, I need to know if you, my lovely crew, would actually like to see more in detail angles or maybe it would be too much. For that, I shall leave the next parts of this for the next time ;)

On the other hand, I want to let you know that I've been struggling a lot this month due to the high number of freelances I've got lately. This is something that shall change in the future, but so far, freelances from old clients of mine help me to get through and these months are being particularly heavy in such matters (Yet commissions don't affect me at all, as a matter of fact, thank you so much: they help me so much!!) Just wanted to let you know why animations aren't yet being produced. BUT HEY! They shall soon be! (Honestly, I am dying for starting with them!!)

Thank you so much for staying there and support me so much, and thank you so much for your patience towards me when it comes to answering messages or being online: I really, really have no time left 💔

EDIT: I've been pointed out that Grog's skin tone wasn't as gray as it should be. Now it is fixed! Thank you so much, my sailors!! You are the best!


Listening to:  Dûrnir’s Forge (DragonLand) 

Feeling: Actually great! I just need a bit more of time off as I am still burnt out (Since months ago)

Thinking: Quite proud of being so burnt out but staying functional for so long. I think if I stop for a little while I could come back with so much strength!




It's weird mixture of wanting to see this, but also at the same time having a hard time picturing that massive member skewering little Pike. With the size of that pecker the way it is, he'll be poking her heart with each thrust. But I also think that the size you drew this time is a little more on point to what I'd expect Grog to be.

The Chain Warden

I wonder if Pike has fantasies about being a living fleshlight. (thinking thinking)


This looks really good! I am wondering though why Grog's skin tone is white and not grey?


Clearly because the artist forgot that he has gray skin 😂 Thank you so much for pointing it out, I will fix it right now :3


Definitely! She is a cleric though, and for sure will have to be prying while... well... tries to survive this encounter 👀👀👀


It's good to hear that you feel good and that you plan to take it easy rest for the mind is so difficult

The Chain Warden

A fantastic piece as always cap. But there is one thing. I don't want to be rude and you just addressed one complaint about the way you draw Grog and I really hate to add another but isn't Grog's skin supposed to be actually white or really pale grey as he is a goliath. Or is it just the lighting in the scene and I'm just an idiot? Again i don't want to be rude as everything else about the drawing is amazing!


Oh nono, you are no idiot, my sailor! You are 100% right! It is just me being forgetful about some details (I still owe myself the C1!), I am fixing this mistake right now and I will update the pics in a little while! I apologize I made this mistake, but luckily enough I have amazing sailors like you letting me know I made such mistakes!! Thank you so much for being so awesome!!


Thank you for caring about me, you are so cool!! It will take me a little while to be able to have some time for adding a little pause in my life, but I eventually will and at that point, I really hope I will blow your mind with the pieces to come!! You deserve the best, and only the best I shall give!!

John Folmer

This is great work as always cptn!!! Hope you are feeling okay!


1,000 times yes, pike is best gurl


Daaaaayuuumn, Grog THICC


Your wishes are my command!! ❤️❤️❤️


i now really wanna see a Pike Paizuri, i feel it would be both very hot and also very cute.


Definitely a yes for more angles when you have time!! :) Please and thank you. You did so well with the size changes too, wonderful job!


Amazing job Cpt! I can't wait to see you add Grog's tattoos in to the mix.


Well... I think she could handle almost any beast.... More research is needed 👀


Thank you so much! Hihhii I will get to it as soon as possible! You totally deserve it <3


Oh momma... This cap keeps forgetting about things! So sorry! I think this all happens because i didn't see the c1 😂 We gotta change that!!


No worries Cpt we are all here to support and help you along the journey!


Thank you so much, Nethis! You are the best!! I will do my best for you, you deserve it 120%!!


These are amazing, such good work!