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Hey everyone!

Tatsumaki, one of the strongest heroes from One Punch Man universe!! What a delightful lady indeed and, of course, showing off her telekinetic powers!  

This great piece was commissioned by an amazing Patron of mine (Incognito_browser in IG) having brought this amazing idea. I really enjoyed this piece, her palette is super attractive and fun to play and the idea itself was simply amazing! Thank you so much for your patronage!

Now, I also wanted to let you know that I've been working (and I am still working) on freelances and commissions beside the art I bring to Patreon. Hell yeah, I am getting onto the commission thingie! But no worries! There will be a very limited number of works I will be taking monthly so I can still bring you the juicy good material you deserve!!

Thank you so much for your support and I will keep doing my best despite the ups and downs. I've been advised by my lovely crew to take some time off to rest, but I think it is too soon for taking time off completely. Although, I will do some modifications to my workflow to make it faster without affecting my productivity, as I also want to try a few new things and I want to start once and for all producing high-quality animations. Which I can't wait to get started with.

You are fucking awesome and I love you all my sailors!!


Listening to: The Gravel Road - The Village (James Newton Howard) 

Thinking: I will improve this further. It is the only way!



John Folmer

Oh that's cool! So long as people do remember she is an adult, much to Saitama's confusion. Lovely work as always


I didnt see that one coming. Great work!


Oh, definitely! No minors here, ever. We are all grown-ups ;) Art might be confusing sometimes, but that's due to me experimenting with different styles and idealization of the characters :3