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Hey Everyone!

I gotta admit, this is being so much fun! I really feel Jester is a great player for both Dom and Sub... Although this time, she is clearly having some fun with the later ;)

I bet you noticed that this time we are doing things a little bit differently: That's right! I want you to decide what comes next! And for that, I created a Poll which was uploaded right after this post with some ideas... If none of those are nice for you, please hit me with your ideas!!

I plan connecting the first Jessie's BDSM piece with this one, continuing this way the mini-story and making a long one out of this! Maybe even bringing the third piece for it 🍿😍🍿

EDIT: I've been suggested to add the mini-story without dialogs so here we go! Thanks a lot for the suggestion!
Thinking: No more Reddit stories through YouTube, let's hit the pedal and laser focus on getting things ready!

Mood: Positive! Ready for getting back on track!




Oh, so nice of this man how he treat a lady! Ps: in one of the pick its almost as if the guy was punching her in the stomac.


OMG you are right! It was supposed to pull from her underwear D: I gotta fix that, thank you for letting me know!


How about a set with no text?


Such a great idea! I will update the post right now... Would you say it is better to have all the frames without text or just clothes on/clothes off?


With out text don't want to over burden you with extra work :)


Done! I just added the whole set without dialogs! Thanks a lot for the suggestion ❤️❤️❤️


I’m getting the implication here that it’s the Captain himself who’s fooling around with Jester here. If so; f*ckin good on your sir