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Let's jump straight to the sauce, aye? ;)

Okay, now that the important stuff has been shown (wink), let's just have a few words about it: 

For some time already I've been thinking about introducing BDSM onto this universe that we all love so much. And honestly, now watching these sketches, I couldn't be happier about this decision!

Many members of the crew have insisted on making this happen, and me hearties: thank you so much for not having stopped insisted! For this introduction, I believe there wasn't a better choice than Jester, don't you think? Maybe only the king would be an interesting pick for it... but a Tiefling non-the-less seemed the right step ahead ;)

Now, the cap has done their part getting the shots, but now it is your time for deciding which one is going to happen!! In all honesty... I love them all!

Good luck my loves!


John Folmer

Man all those are awsome


Gonna be happy with any of these


2 stands out most to me, but I like all 3!


I love them allll


2 and 3 are my favorites


I love 1 so much! Less is more in this case!


YES YES YES, 2nd is best, but I would also love to see the 3rd, I have a raging fuckin foot fetish so like, either is great for me

Josh Hoffman

Fucking love the 2nd one. 😍


I'm with the rest of the crew loving all of them. Is it too much to hope for the others to return in the future? I'll vote 1 as I love the idea of Jester's tail wrapping around as she climaxes and sadly 3 has her poor tail all tied up.


Oh you gotta do one with Molly :o nice pretty gold harness on that boy


1 and 2 are fire but I prefer 2. 1 is a great Pin-Up though


Argh, such a difficult choice!


They all look amazing!


I love the way you draw her body, seriously couldn't be better IMo. I have to vote for both 2 and 3... it's just too close <3


Hihi, thank you! After reading all the comments, it seems I will need to make them all a reality 😂😂😂 Definitely going to do something about it! 💙💜💙


I will make sure that whichever makes it, won't disappoint you 💙💜💙


I agree! And I also agree that the three of them would, be so much fun to make! I will also consider the idea of bringing the ones that didn't make it to the first place in the future... Everyone seems to like all of them too much 😂😂😂


Ah! A fine choice! And the good news is that one of these will make it to be the rendered version!! YAY! 💙💜💙


And she loves you!! I totally agree (I love that one too... That composition is fantastic!) So many of my sailors are insisting on making the three of them that... honestly, I feel super tempted to make that happen! Let's see how it goes 👀🍿


Seems that you are not the only one! As the 3rd one is winning this poll!! YAY! I can't wait to make it happen!!


You are totally right, Nethis! I've been insisted on this by many of my handsome sailors, so, as a result, I am definitely going to bring them all up in the future! Most likely not this month as the schedule is practically filled, but next one will be theirs for sure!! Thank you so much for bringing this up! 💙💜💙


I couldn't agree more!! If BDSM is a thing to work with from now on... then we MUST bring Molly onto action!! Thank you so much for the idea, you genius 💙💜💙!!


Hihihi thank you so much!! Definitely going to make use of the X-Ray effect there, as it has a lot of potential!! Now I am just wondering, who will she be submitted to... I am open for ideas 👀👀👀


Definitely going to do something to satisfy all my lovely sailors here! As your joy is my duty!! 💙💜💙


Aww, thank you so much! Whichever wins I will make sure it won't disappoint 😍😍😍


Thank you so much, Starka!! I super appreciate it! Whichever version wins, I will make sure it looks awesome, you deserve it!! 💙💜💙


Aww thank you!! I hope this new style of horns fits her! Please let me know if anything can be improved 💙💜💙


I would love to second the idea of Molly for her companion on this, but my heart is screaming Caleb. Must be all the rope used for alarm spells or the German accent. I also feel he is the most likely to have so the toys. I mean components....


I couldn't agree more! We should bring Caleb onto this, and let Molly for the next BDSM piece, to also play around with such... ahem... "components" ;)


She’s so pretty and so cute and luscious in the 2nd one so that’s my favorite


Absolutely! Luckily enough, seems that the three of them are coming 👀👀👀