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Hey everyone!

Finally, Eria es here, and she is enjoying quite a bit of riding! 

For those that don't know who that purple/violet gentleman is, he's called Malxus, and he is a charming, yet shy (a times) Tiefling! A great player in Eria's life and... ahem... Adventures of the kind.

This is the first of a three-part post, and that's  why it is relatively short, as, in the end, it will add up to the whole thing by having quite a few angles, and I am still contemplating the idea of making the mini-story of the month out of this piece :3

Please let me know what you think in the comment section or send me a PM!


Honestly, this piece was made in record time, and I expect nothing less for the next ones!! So let's stay focused now, and get back to work ;)


Thinking: I am just missing working out and everything will be awesome!

Feeling: Great!

 Listening: Nocturne (Chris Hyson)  




Have you ever considered adding x-ray to your works? Love it all btw :)


I definitely need more of that tiefling male. Because he is delicious.


Been looking forward to seeing these, you did not disappoint, the lip bite is so fucking sexy👌🏻


That is actually brilliant!! I am definitely going to add a version with that on some pieces, this one definitely deserves it! What do you say? Do we add one to this one? (¬‿¬)


Aww thank you! And he definitely is! And he is Eria's main course, so you shall see him more often! Knowing that there is also interest in him... I might create a shot with him as the main character. Do you think this is a good idea? 👀🍿


Aww, thank you so much, Gabriel!! There are at least two more shots of these two pretty ones, and if my schedule for this month works, they will be delivered this month (Among many other artworks and new OCs !!)


We def are going to need to have more of this tief, bless