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Hey everyone!

Since quite some time ago I wanted to bring Pokémon onto the equation, first I thought about bringing literally the Poké-monsters, but then a few crew members suggested Jessie from the Rocket Team!! So I thought to myself: What is the Rocket Team without James! 

I hope you like this idea as much as I did ;)

On the other hand, I want to first apologize, and secondly to let you know what I been up to these days... Quarantine is tougher than I thought it would be, mostly because I been a full-time freelance artist for the past three years and a half already. So social-distancing is my normal state.

But for the past month, I couldn't even go outside and see other people just... walking, or talking, or listening to a conversation, and this seems to have had a big impact on my sanity.

The worst outcome of this is that my productivity went to the trash and my depression kicked in. So, again, I want to apologize for the slow month.

The good news is that I've found a way to hack myself on all this, and it is called gamification. 

For those curious about it, gamification of a habit is a great way to hack yourself to get things done. And it goes as follows: Firstly you add values to whatever makes you closer to your goal (In my case, each hour of work equals one point). Then you make the maths on what is too little and what is too much in X amount of time and give yourself a reward based on that.

This is a method I been using a lot while working for big companies, and I don't know why it didn't come to my mind to use it with this project. But that just changed today.

So let's see how it goes from now on!!

The second good news is that Eria is coming back not in one painting, not in two, but in THREE DIFFERENT ARTWORKS! Since you guys been struggling so much to choose only one on the last poll ;)

Thank you so much for your support and if you are having a hard time such as I am, please don't be shy and say hi, or wave a hand. I am always here =)


Thinking: I will make this work.

Listening: Sundown (Nightwish) 

Feeling: Being busy makes my sadness fade away. Let's keep it that way =)



Hunter Mackey

My god I love the Ding Dong version. I would love more of that in other posts!

John Folmer

Looks fantastic!!


You don't need to apologize. Thank you for your work and I am sure everyone understands. I hipe you are doing well.


Brings a whole new meaning to "Team Rocket, blasting off!"


As an artist trying to get myself to create more, that system you talked about just inspired me! I'm totally doing that!!!


What is the ding dong version?


Excellent choice in music, big fan of Nightwish🤘🏻


This is so nice to read, thank you so much for sharing it! If you wish, once I have the template done, I can share it! So you can use this system as well! Just let me know and don't hesitate to drop me a PM if you need some help with your art :3


Thank you so much, Zach. Your support and understanding mean everything to me. This supportive attitude of yours makes me want to never quit and do my best to get back on track! I can only hope to do better in the times to come and do my best to do so. You truly deserve it. You are the best!! ❤️❤️❤️


It is the one where James has boobs and penis(ding-dong)... it is just a wholesome and original way of calling it :3


*I see you're a man of culture as well* Good quality metal for the win!! 🤘🏻❤️🤘🏻

William Miller

They all look great! The extra touches with James' eyes and eyebrows is a nice added element


Thank you so much, William!! I honestly wanted to make a few more version of this :P