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Hey everyone! 

Now, a few of my loves (You!) asked me... why don't we get back to the polls?? And you know what? I couldn't agree more!!

Yet I wasn't requested only that, but also 'how about we bring the good Eria onto the action, eh?'. And what would be a better idea than to make both ideas happening together!!

So pretty simple, me mateys: choose your fav, and you shall not be disappointed with the end result ;)



Its a poll, but in reality we need all the options.


D all of the above


I love both 2 and 3, so as a taco shell commercial once told me, Why not both!

Logan Grant

Face down ass up!


I like the one where Eria gets wrecked.


Is there an all of the above option?


I selected all of the above.


I mean, if you did all that work sketching to not do all three, then it would be a waste, would it not?


Definitely number one, especially if we get some good foot content that way, that pose is like the ultimate turn on


I must agree... I am thinking about instead of letting you chose the one that is going to happen, letting you choose the ORDER in which is going to happen 👀👀👀