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Hey everyone! 

I know it's a bit late, but heeey! Better late than never!

This is a cooperation with a great artist and friend, HammerTheShark! They are  Eria and Esmeralda, our main characters together wishing you a great Easter and ready to have fun with you!! 

Today's homework for you is the following: think about someone you haven't talked for a long time, and randomly tell them the following:

"Hey, I wanted you to know that you are awesome! Have a lovely day!"

I will make my choice today as well ;)

 I really wish you an amazing day and have a lot of nice food and fun!!  Remember to stay positive and make the best out of your time. I love you all!!




Was hoping for bunny suits when I saw the title, you never disappoint!! Happy Easter to both of you; thanks for all the positivity!

John Folmer

Omg that's amazing!


There will be indeed! But unfortunately, I didn't make it for having it ready for today (Easter) so I shall start working on it right now and tomorrow/the day after it shall be finished! Oh, one detail: It shall be Patron-exclusive, my crew deserves the best!! ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you for being there and supporting this! You are amazing and I am so happy you are here!! ❤️❤️❤️