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Hey everyone!

Quite self-explanatory, I want you to tell me which one goes the best with your expectations!

This piece is just the first frame of more to come, but for that, I would like to know which cup-size you'd like Keyleth to wear!

I personally love both of them, because what I like the most about her, is how badass she actually is!



I think I'd prefer something between the 2 sizes you have here. On the bigger side but not quite that big.


Im in agreement with Aaron here, I think a mix might be best.


I feel like actual Kiki has B-cup but if she’s being drawn sexy I’d much prefer the F-cup


Also, when I first got the email I thought it was "Kiri" cupsize and I was about to go on a crusade. Lol


That's actually a great idea! It might be the case that this third-option could be a winner!


Split the Diff? solid D


We have to definitely give it a try... I see both options are head to head, so might be a better idea to find a common ground between each!


That's a very good point, thank you for bringing it up! I believe most peeps would like to see something in between both sizes... like big, but not that big... is that something that crosses your mind too? (Just trying to find the best possible solution :3)


Oh, noes! Kiri will always be our beloved little Kenku!! That shall never change ! **Hugs Kiri and protects her**


B cup. Keyleth has more of a petite build. VEX on the other hand~ SOLID F


Excellent choice, and honestly, I am surprised at how many got the same answer!


Well, on it's own as just a sexy piece of art, I have to go with the F-cups. But, I think we need to look at everything in comparison to everything else. So the only way to really figure out the best cup size for Keyleth is with a line-up of all the CR ladies.


Smaller titties deserve love too 💜


Definitely one of those times where my personal preference comes before canon XD and therefore, F is sexy as hell.


Not voting, i chose inbetween option!!


Considering she can cast alter self on herself at will she could have any size she wanted XD


Haha! It's rare to see a poll so evenly split. Big tits are great, but I much prefer more naturally perky B-cups. But ShurikenSean brings up a great point, she could rock them HHs if she felt the need haha


I’m with I’m the inbetweeners. Solid C or D.