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Hey everyone!

I have a confession to make... I... love... dragons.

So when my lovely crew suggested Calianna as an idea, I couldn't resist! I probably spent more time than I should creating these scales. I wanted them colorful and I wanted them shiny. Because shiny dragons are good, colorful ones are baaad. So you can make your own conclusions about Calianna... ahem.

Honestly, I love this character, and I been waiting for a while to make her happen. So this is my tribute to her. Yet it will depend on you if you want me to make her again doing... ahem... another kind of things... So don't hesitate to let me know if you want to see more Cali!

Thank you so much for your support and for being there! You are amazing and I am so happy to have you on board for this crazy adventure!


Listening: Order From Chaos (Max Cooper) 




Aaaand now I want to write about a wild dragon girl 💘that scale pattern is so wickedly beautiful!


Yes please we wish to see more of her in your work! Thanks Cpt. Pop!


Please do!! Make it happen!! Thank you so much, I really wanted her to excel! Honestly, that's why it has fewer variations: I wanted to work extra hard on her fewer variations this time, and so making her looking awesome! <3 (If you make that writing happen, please let me know! As it could be an inspiration for another art piece!)


No, thank you, Miracle! Let's make it happen then! Scales for the win!! ❤️


OMG the coloring and the scales are amazing!


I'd love to see a variation of her that isn't nude but still shows off those awesome patches of body scales because I really want to make that my phone background but it's a bit too nsfw to do that with her nude lol


More Cali for sure!! The scales are gorgeous btw


Demons and dragons are my top two aesthetics so yes I loooove herrr 💙💜


Bring everything you can!!


Sound the trumpets: Calianna is coming back to the Popcorn universe!! (Thank you!! You are awesome!)


Hell yeah! This looks so gooood! Fantastic job, Cap! (Also absolutely make more of her, please!)


Honestly I’ve never thought of Cali as sexy before but now I see I was completely mistaken. Great work as always, Cap, and I would really like to see more of her if you have the time :).


That’s awesome work! Would definitely love to see more of her, maybe her and jester fooling around


Love it dude :)


A Cali comic would be incredible I really love your take on her scale color and pattern super gorgeous!


Hihihi and she loves you! Both demons and dragons are amazing! Yet there is not enough love given to them out there! We should do something about it 👀


Thank you so much, Kaywoah! And will do! She is fantastic, and definitely deserves it! ❤️


Hihihi, thank you, Yurvic! And honestly, I had the same thoughts, and this is what triggered me to make her sexy "What if we made her as one of the sexiest ladies in CR?" And here we are :P I am overwhelmed about the amazing response everyone had towards Calianna, definitely going to bring her again!! We must!


Cali+Jess? Woha! That would be something worth seeing! That's a fantastic idea! Definitely going to sketch something about it soon! Thank you so much!


Thanks a lot, Boyo! And I love that idea! A mini-comic featuring her would be dope!! Maybe I could work some ways around it 👀 I am super happy you liked the design of the scales! They took me quite a bit of time to be frank 😂


I thought your rendition of Jester was my favorite. Ooh boy was I wrong. Calianna has definitely taken that spot and I would be ecstatic if you were to put your talent towards a Cali mini-story. Outstanding work as always Cap!


Hihihi! And there are so many more ideas out there waiting to be brought to life!! Thank you so much Dusty, you are awesome!! ❤️❤️❤️


Great work! Dragon girls and monster girls ftw!


Words of wisdom, Mightymouse! I got the feeling that this is just the first of many more to come!! Thanks a lot!! ❤️


I love the art the only things is I thought she was half “black” dragon at least in the official art she was either way good job!


Indeed she is half black dragon, but you know, I took a little license here to make her more colorful <3 Thank you!!