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Hey everyone! 

I hope you will agree with me here: there is a BIG lack of erotic art out there when it comes to Yasha!

Luckily enough we are here to change that and make the best out of it!

This was originally meant to be a simple pinup but as you might have already realized I couldn't help it but adding a whole mini-story here too. Mini-stories for the win!

Thank you so much for your support!


Mood: There is only one way ahead: Getting better at this!

Listening: Crimson King (Demons and Wizards)




Yes more Yasha!


That cocked eyebrow at the end is perfect, really gets me going ;)


Looks great. Will you be adding the archived attachment again?


Unfortunately not this time. The packages were getting regularly stolen so I'm trying to come up with a better solution for distributing artworks to my beloved Patrons. If you have any idea let me know! Yet no worries, this and all the artworks from this month will be included in the monthly package! It's just in a few days! Hope you can make it ;)


Her THIGHS... swoon!! Ahhhh she's perfection I love it so much ♡


What about her head injury ? No care for it ? Ps:WHAT!!! Some bastards dare to steal!! Get them on the plank!!!


Details details. But you are right 😂 And yeh, unfortunately, every post was stolen since I got started with Patreon. now I am taking a little bit more seriously the saying "once you upload it to the internet, it stays in the internet furevah"

William Miller

Oh god. So good! I need more Yasha smut haha


You are incredibly good at drawing muscles! Would be awesome to see more ripped girls drawn by you ^^


Thank you so much, Luca!! I plan 100% on bringing ripped ladies in, actually, very near future! So expect the unexpected! Wait... Now it is expected... Damn it!