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 Hey Everyone! 

I've decided to push things further here. It is by far the longest series I've made, and probably the most complex. Yet this is just the beginning.

When it comes to the quality of content, I want this to be my new standard, and from here on, to only to make better material!

Yet I feel this took me too much time. It is for this reason that I will be creating shorter artworks (fewer frames/variations) but in bigger amount and variety. This way I will be able to deliver artworks much more often, for your joy!

A great shoutout to one of my patrons (who decided to remain anonymous) for the help on the script and the great idea and critiques!

Funny note: This must be the first full dong (penis) that I have ever painted! Yet it was so much fun! :D

Serious note: The PSD file is a total mess. If anyone is interested in getting it or the linearts. Please drop a comment or send me a private message! =)


Mood: I can finally go to sleep now.

Dreaming of: The day we will hit the 5k supporters for creating our first videogame!!

Listening to: Aeriform (Hilyard)




Oh my!


Love it! Her enthusiasm makes it


Also I hope the next one picks up right where this left off, before clean up.


I just love how Jester looks at me from my computer screen! More of these! <3

William Miller

Holy hell. This is wonderful. Jester's face looks so good (especially the lip bites and that smile on piece 21).


Thank you so much! I am really happy you like these! I should bring more POVs I believe... 👀


Phenomenal work, I’ve been looking for the full set for a while, never knew you had a Patreon until today, keep em cumming😏


Thank you so much! And indeed! More of Jess is coming down the pipe, Our favorite Tiefling deserves it!