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Hey everyone! 

  • First of all,
    Thank you so much for the incredible support you give me by being my patron and getting involved on the posts, polls and even personally! I could never do this without you!

    It been less of a month since I started this project, and there is already fifteen beautiful souls backing up this project! Which is not mine, but from all of us.

    I can't say anything but thank you, for your incredible generosity! ❤️❤️❤️ 


  • Who's next?

    Last artworks have been a lot of fun and I have been able to bring to life few ideas I always wanted to. There is still a lot of pieces I have in mind (From OCs and Fanart), yet I want you, my amazing patrons, to give your own ideas. Something you would like to see materialized!  

            You can propose your ideas, as detailed as you want, in the comments or by PM (Private message). If you have more than one, please keep them in the same comment or in a thread of comments under the first proposal so we can keep this organized!

            After having few ideas, I will create a poll with these. The winner will be chosen by you! 

Please take in consideration that it will be a NSFW artwork. Which means that you can also propose a context for it! 

                                                           I can't wait to see your proposals!!



1) Thicc Jester engaged in Traveler cock worship. 2) Nott shlicking while thinking of that beefy Minotaur 3) Corrupt Yasha taking some pussy by force