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Yaaaaarg, my sailors!

A new update of our third sanity-destroyer, OnlyHeroes Leak, is in sight! This time yer dearest Cap'n has come back to share the colors before we deep-dive into rendering the whole piece until getting the third and final stage in place!

And what a challenge this is proven to be!

As it turns out, this is indeed a pretty complex scene, with plenty of colors and characters creating their own bounce lights, casting shadows, and affecting the composition in one way or another; not gonna lie, it so far has proven to be quite challenging but very achievable!!

🔼I like blue, I like it a lot 😜😜😜

The Mighty Nein has a special place in my heart because I got introduced to a Critical role in their adventures! Campaign two is still the best of them all for me, and Jester is and will probably always be my favorite big time!

So much, in fact, that I am considering creating an OC based on her so that we can bring her essence into our games! (And not get totally pwned by CR's lawyer team).

🔼We might not share the love for shmol stacked Goblin gurls, but I still love you, me hearties ❤️❤️❤️

...Speaking of Soulgasm

These days yer Cap'n has been focusing mostly on getting a full BJ minigame ready for those curious Seekers looking for trouble in our mystery mansion! With that out of the way, I am SO FRIGGIN HAPPY to be back to our ship and push our stories and artworks where they should be: finished, on yer hands!! 😍😍😍

And to my surprise, I enjoyed bringing our good ol' heroes to life so much that I couldn't help but draw some practices and maybe (with your approval, my lovely crew) push them further and even practice some more on the way!

🔼I hope you don't mind this captain's obsession with a certain Tiefling! 🙈🙈🙈

I honestly can't wait to work on more practices and pieces for you, me hearties! Sketching and making these silly studies remind me why I love art, and I swear I wish I had more time to explore more ideas and concepts with and for you!

When it comes to Eria's animation 🎬

I am excited to announce that things are going well on that front! A bit slower than expected, but we are on the right path! This means our future animations and scenes again seem doable, my sailors! Friggin' finally!! 😍😍😍

Expect updates soon!!

🔼Ever wondered what would happen if you gave Jester a smartphone? 👀👀👀

What if-- 🤔

Now, I know our heroes and stories happen to live in a fantasy setup, but have you ever wondered how it would be if their stories actually happened in our time and age? Or even in a far galactic future?? Pffff--I can only wonder so much!!

Tell me, my sailors! Would you like to see other realities where our heroes and OCs visited other times and eras? If so, who and which ones?? Inspire me, my sailors!! 😍😍😍

As usual, thank you so much for being part of this ship! This cappy is slowly putting things together once again, and I be doing all that I can to bring you the spiciest and most delicious popcorn I got in stock! Because you deserve only the very best, my sailors!!

See you very soon, me hearties!!

YAAARGG!!!! ❤️❤️❤️




Man, those two Jesters are so hot!


I mean..... Nott's why I'm here in the first place, so I feel ya


Right? I think i will make a quickie piece with her and silently pass it through 👀👀👀