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Slowly working more on our video for YT about It Hurts for fun! This time the redesigns are Fuujin and Dr. Kuma, known as "bear dad" and then Toji and Hama, formally Kira! 

Fuujin is a part time beach volleyball teammate with his sons Mizuki and Raijin, with Mizuki he can relax but with Raijin he often plays blocker positions since Raijin isn't good at keeping aware of his surroundings. It's annoying. He used to be a deep sea fisherman who would do free dives to catch exotic fish for his father's mongering business but after an accident diving with his sons, Raijin not having enough air to resurface and some pretty tense buddy breathing to get Raijin out of deaths path, Fuujin gave his remaining air to his son and skipped his decompression stops to surface, giving him a pretty terrible case of diving sickness/the bends. He has some lasting neurological symptoms and his knee never recovered from the nerve damage. Fuujin still loves motorcycles and cooking, and still has his termite glasses, he just doesn't wear them on the beach. He and bear dad are married and have matching tattoos. Fuujin wanted the smaller one because "kuma has more leg". 

Kuma is now more bear themed, he's more huge and more blonde. His name is Kumaji Hanibara, but goes by just Hani with his peers. He is still a doctor, and is a trauma surgeon due to his impressive skill at saving lives but he has more of a passion for pediatrics. Kuma hasn't really changed much, still very soft spoken and very sweet, still just a thoughtful delicate man who now shaves. He's basically the island's, oh yeah they now live only on a small island with a main source of income being fishing,  only doctor and is often driving a speed boat to take patients to the mainlands if it's something out of his expertise.  Kuma was going to be a cop in this version but him being a doctor is just too good to pass up. He is finally married to his Fuusan and is obsessed with him, and will show off his ring in every conversation.

Then you'll see our favorite thing, Grandpa Toji! And, they may look a little different but that grandma Kira now "Gramba" Hama! They're alive in this version because we thought of something honestly too devious and painful to pass up on using them with. You thought it was bad before. Ho boy. It's bad now. 

Toji is a rough around the edges old man with a heart of gold. He is a man of very few words and often just sniffs and crosses his arms, but he said he loves you with his mind. Toji is a fisherman by blood and is a horrifying beach volleyball player with his beloved husband Hama. Toji is even more (some how) obsessed with his spouse and will turn into a teenage girl with his crush around him, even after 40+ years of marriage. Toji is 61 btw, Hama just feeds him science diet to keep him alive forever.  Toji never married Hama because back when he and Hama first got together he was to afraid to even be open with him due to the horrible prejudice (still ongoing but worse back then) homosexuals endured back when Toji was in his 20s. Toji is determined to be the best husband possible, every day trying to outdo his overt displays of affection from the previous day. He and Hama adopted Fuujin when they were in their late 20's,  the luck of their small island letting "two brothers" help give a poor child a home. 

Hama is called "Gramba" by his grandkids, coming from how Mizu and Raijin would say "grandad", barley trying honestly, when they were children. Hama is a dainty, delicate, flowery man with long strides and a fox like grin. He's mischievous and playful, and adores flowers. He loves his Toji obsessively, and is always fawning over him. He ahs a habit of pulling him by his beard from time to time to get his way but Toji likes it, Hama is too cute. Hama suffers from liver cancer and is in remission for it. Due to treatment his already thinning hair was falling out, which gave him great emotional distress. Mizuki cut his very long hair off to donate as a wig, which Hama is currently wearing as his hair regrows. Raijin's goal is to cut his hair off when it's longer than his brothers, everything's a contest with them. Hama feels spiritually connected to clams and oysters (i don't know either) and is always being adorned in pearls by his husband. Toji works painstakingly to humanely remove pearls from oysters and clams without killing them or causing them pain so Hama knows they aren't suffering with their painful pearls anymore!! Hama is a loving, gentle, sweet gramba who is just the most delicate human ever to have lived. IT SURE WOULD BE TERRIBLE IF SOMETHING HAPPENED TO HIM. OH THE HUMANITY.



Emerald Shine