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Transcript for anyone that cant read my terrible hand writing:

In a tailors Shop.

Barnaby: Let's see...Jay got me a gift. I should repay him since it was also his birthday. (they share the same birthday)

Barnaby see's a wall of swords.

Barnaby: Oh, this big one is nice and only 400 hue. (Hue is the sugar free currency as indicated by the h symbol)

A shop keep opossum (we named her Oliva) leans over to do a sales pitch.

Olivia: You know, were doing a weapon + equipment sale. If you buy that sword you can pick a clothing from that rack behind you.

Barnaby: Oh! Thank you.

Barnaby rummages through the rack but stops when he gets to an interesting looking cloth. He picks it up to examine it. Thinking it reminds him of something.

Suddenly a Fantasy of Jay, wearing the garment which turns out to be a loin cloth with the sword over his shoulder posing completely naked otherwise appears in a thought bubble looking rather sparkly. He says:

Fantasy Jay: Yes dear Barnaby <3 Thank you <3 For this wonderful gift (sword) and MIGHTY loin cloth that will give me much room to move when fighting. <3 Please, come observe me <3

It's indicated that Barnaby's thought was inspired by a smutty romance he read once and it's a well known face he is a simp for Jay.

There is a ding as the shop keeper thanks Barnaby and tells him to come again.
He smiles and says Thank you, holding the wrapped sword, and below in his hand a small bag.

This event is cannon.



mark miller

omfg love this


Tailor I think? Unless it's spelled differently in different places. 💖