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Well it's been in the works for a while but honestly we have just been so slammed and stuff but were looking at having more fun to work on other projects and a long awaited one is Starfall :) !

So here are some cute Illustrations which can be prints or a button to go along with Septembers merch~ This means Starfall will also be added into our roulette of Merch polls for next month and next on the life for a NSFW sketch image! Right now the first chapter is scripted and is being sketched right now so were hoping to have it up and going soon. And some New it Hurts chapters should follow shortly!

We know a lot of people don't really care for the re-design that we did to Marx in making him more Alien looking but honestly we liked it far too much to make him more normal QAQ so we hope you all like it at least!!



Angela Beattie

So ready for more Starfall!!