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Hello hello! Today we went out and bought a new printer for us to use for orders, a newer and updated printer. However when we got home we realized that printer was still having the same issues and was not printing correctly.

After a lot of frustration it seems that windows newest update completed botched every printer under specific brands (like ours) and stopped us from being able to print. After some un-installation and slight edits we finally have a working printer again.


So for all the merch Patrons we just want you to know right now were working on some really cool stuff for you guys to thank you for your patience. The piece that we are making will be included in everyone package for April. However please give us a bit of time to see how they turn out before we reveal them to you >:3



Glad to know that you've gotten your printer issues fixed, though I feel for you that it ended up being a windows update issue that broke it in the first place after you went out and got a new printer and everything.


We're so happy to have it back to working order //sobs// It's very windows to have it be an update that bricked it and they did nothing to alert anyone or tell how to fix it XD Windows is...God is it windows orz