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Ahh! Isaki is such a supportive boyfriend isn't he?! Who knew! He's a total softie behind that angry face >:0



Priscilla Ortiz

Straight through my heart. Emi is lucky to have Isaki.


I HATE this story! I cry EVERY time! On a side note: I wonder what Isaki meant when he was thinking, "This conversation can go one of two ways. Maybe I should plead my case first!"........ What did he do?


LOL I M SO SORRY. WE JUST LOVE TO TORMENT OUR POOR EGGS <3 He thought Emi was breaking up with him! So Isaki thought it could go that Emi wanted to break up and give him a chance, or Emi was done with him! So he was gonna beg to not lose Emi XD Cuz he seems like a big jerk, but he's actually the softest baby on the planet LOL He never knows what he did but...He's always sure he did something when Emi's upset lol