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We really appreciate your patience omg-
We're doing all we can to get our to-do list cleaned. As you know Webtoon no longer pays us. We're hoping to get Losers Club into the viewer reward ads so we can take less commissions from our full time job-Freelance commissions. We work about 14 hours a day, seven days a week that job (it pays more than any 'real job' one could get in our area lol so thats why we do those hours) hahah so it's been stressful to work on things but this is our passion!!

We're hoping in the next 2 days to be back fulltime on patreon <3 We really appreciate your patience with us orz

We also got a new sticker cutter and a new printer so we can make merch without waiting for our merchandiser! So now all we'll be waiting on is keychains LOL

Losers Club has 2 chapters fully ready to be finished and will be given to you in advance, you should be 1 chapter ahead of Webtoon always now! Sugar Free is switching to manga toned/black and white so it can be produced in a timely manner LOL

we hope you're excited for all to come when we finally pay off our debt in the coming month and can be full time comic makers again!!

We're currently flirting with the idea with making an It Hurts manga so we can print it and send it to our lovely patrons. Tell us what you think about that below!



I’m really disappointed in what’s happened to Webtoon, for both creators and readers. Very glad to be here to support you!


It Hurts manga? Yes, please! 🙏