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Traci Dargan

for context the "handsome tall" guy it appeared to be towards the end was the private investigator that the divorced wife talked to about contesting the will. As far as not understanding the dynamic of the group, I can understand where you're coming from. Some of it is little dialogue things that was set up at the beginning of the episode where u may have missed some context and others refer to past episodes that you may not remember. For example the sweater is from episode 1 it's the outfit Georgia wanted Ginny to wear at her first day of school. Idk why they put so much emphasis I'm guessing to show her assimilation 🤷🏾‍♀️ and another is with Abby and Press (I think that's his name) saying she has whale legs after we know she's insecure about her thighs. More on Abby, it seemed like there was a trend this episode of her feeling jealous and insecure vibes and she was acting very much like a "pick me" with the whole lap dance and kissing her bff. I think Max was also giving side eye in that scene cus she's gay and knows they're not gay so the act was very performative and queer bating. Some of my thoughts 😆 excited for next week!


That makes sense, thanks, there’s so much info in these shows we usually have to rewatch the longer ones


I love that Maxine scared Benj at least once in this episode LMAO. Also, I forgot about that ending. Rizzo saying "Stab him" and then immediately taking it back to watching Austin actually do it was amazing!