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Abbie Corcoran

this show honestly just gets better and better by season. Can’t wait!


This is one of my favorite shows. It takes place in the 90s during a very hostile time in Ireland. They are just trying to be normal teenagers with a war going on around them. Protestants vs Catholics and their generation trying to breach the divide. It touches on serious topics with humor and the cast does an AMAZING job representing it. I finally joined the Patreon to watch these full reactions. Also, Nicola!! Just…. Nicola 😍

Megan Brick

One of my favorite jokes in this episode is Michelle telling Erin to “bring Bobby Sands” referencing Clare, since Bobby Sands was an IRA martyr who died of starvation during a hunger strike in the 80s. It just speaks to Michelle’s irreverence because the show only takes place about a decade after he died, and he would have been considered a hero to Catholic families like Michelle’s.