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Esther Boogie

I don't know how you got Pete Davidson to join the podcast - well done!

Esther Boogie

I also wondered about the historical highlights, but didn't remember much about Catherine from history class. I learned that she was the longest running female ruler of the western world (34 years), that she established many cities, universities (including the first for women), and theatres, that she established a set of laws that moved toward equality and due process but tried and failed to give legal rights to the serfs that Russian nobles exploited throughout her reign, and that she oversaw the expansion of the Russian empire in basically all directions which involved some conquering and being able to see Sarah Palin from her house (she claimed Alaska). She also had various lovers, all of whom were smart & good at their jobs in the military or administration. I didn't try very hard, but I couldn't find when/why she was given the moniker "the Great" and by whom. Did she do it herself? Did some historian dudes who only pay attention to military expansion give that to her? Idk. Sometimes the serfs liked her, sometimes they rebelled - and even then they didn't blame her completely. So that's cool, I guess. I like that the show plays with historical facts in a way that's probably more fun for history buffs. Like how Peter III was murdered 6 months after the coup started by uncertain means, but his autopsy revealed "hemorrhoidal colic" - which was pretty well mirrored in the episode where he exploded from every orifice. Maybe this means there are more explosions to come? gross