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Keatia Savage

From what I gathered, because James reopened parliament, that finally gave Coke (Frances' dad) power to go after corrupt people in the court like Bacon and George for making deals with Spain behind the king's back and taking bribes. George kind of gained a reputation in England for sleeping with a lot different people for favors. Coke is mad at Mary, I think, because rumors of Frances' infidelity spread and he blames her for tarnishing his daughter's and their family's reputations. Throughout the show it's been hinted at that Coke is one of the council members who has always had an issue with James and his way of life and wished that things could go back to the way they were under Queen Elizabeth (more traditional and less gay shit basically).

Mary E Crum

George and Mary were absolutely real people. George and James were involved. He said to parliament who was talking about the closeness of their relationship.... Jesus had John and I have George. George was no where close to where James died due to illness. He was reported to have wept when he found out about James's death. Sandy made up for tv series. George had several kids with his wife before he dies. The Earl and Lady Sommerset was not put to death. They were expelled from court to live out their lives in exile. George was one of James sons closest advisors after Louis became king.