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Hello everyone, LunaWolve here!

Just a quick update, to keep y'all up-to-date with what's going on --- once again.

The end of the year is approaching quickly, which means people have more time to annoy me at work, as they're no longer bound to projects.

As a result, my work <> life balance and the time I can spend writing has drastically decreased recently, making writing more advanced chapters a real struggle.

Similar to the last Life Updates, this one is to inform you that new chapters for the Wolf Lord (and now also Fixer) Tier(s) will be a bit later than I would have liked (and you deserve).

I'm taking the weekend off, to focus on relaxing a bit.

I have end-of-year PTO coming up starting on December 22nd until January 1st, so I'll rectify this content drought during that time.

For TAS, Chapter 82 and 83 are going to deal with the Infiltration of Nova Tertius.

For ND, Chapter 32 will introduce the Gryplik and cover Sera's shopping chapter.

That's about as much as I can reveal for now, but I hope that it's enough for these few days where I won't be releasing much new stuff. 

I sincerely apologise for the recent sporadic releases and the massive drop in output from before. I hope that starting next year, things will return to normal, otherwise I might have to reconsider my work <> life balance and relationship going forward.

That's all for today's Life Update!

Thanks for the continued, extremely generous, support.

I'll keep you updated with things in the discord, as per usual, as well as in the AN's of any potential chapters for the week.

Take care y'alls!