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Hello everyone, LunaWolve here!

Unfortunately with another sad news, as I need to announce another delay on upcoming chapters for around a week.

Things have been extremely hectic IRL for a few months now and it's just a bit too much for me to handle, while also writing around 16k words/week for both of the novels.

The next ND chapter will release on Monday, April 8th (or whenever it's done, since I still owe all y'all for this week monday! So whenever it's done, you'll get it, but Monday at the latest).

The next TAS chapter will release on Tuesday, April 9th.

I sincerely apologise for this renewed delay on new releases; I know it's getting annoying.

I'm probably even more annoyed at this than you are, trust me! :(


What's going on?

End of February, my work decided we didn't need that many people in the IT department, so we lost a total of two members (combined with the one from December), so it's been a lot more stressful ever since. I've essentially lost a good 10-20% of my writing time to more issues at work that need resolving.

Additionally, with my recent sickness, I have lost all of the backlog chapters that I had prepared, in order to tide over everyone as much as possible; meaning that I've essentially been writing the chapters for the patreons the day they're supposed to release.

Often times, I'd only finish the chapters MINUTES before the deadline, to the point I've had to manually upload them multiple times, as Patreon doesn't allow scheduling of drafts less than 5 minutes in advance (!!!)

What's the plan?

For now, I'll have to delay releases for this week in specific, as I'm starting to feel a major burnout coming my way, if I continue at the current pace with work AND writing.

That doesn't mean I won't write anything, but rather, I'm not going to force myself to finish chapters in a single day for this week; moreso let the words flow when they want to, to get a bit of a breather.

It won't be a real break, which I definitely still do need, but I have no idea when I'll be taking that one.

How to prevent this in the future?

I will be taking a 1-week release hiatus at some stage in the near-ish future, likely in the next 1-2 months, in order to build up a backlog again.

That way, for sickness or work-related reasons, I can continue releasing chapters at the usual schedule, even if things aren't going too well for me IRL.

While this isn't a permanent solution by any means, it will help tide things over for a couple of months, barring any unforseen circumstances.

Taking a 1-week hiatus every couple of months might have to become more of a common thing for me going forward, but we'll see about that when the time comes.


Thank you all SO much for the continued, extremely generous and kind support on all of my novels.

It's truly a humbling and extremely enjoyable experience to provide these stories for all of you and I can't wait to get into some of the next chapters with all y'all.

That said, I'll be seeing you guys next week.

Thank you for your patience!


Tyler Machado

To bad you can't write full time and I have people around me who have suffered that bad job wise. Unless it's a job you love or you're at a senior position, moving on could be in the cards if you work for those types of bosses who love to cut people even though they are needed. Keep it up.

David Hoyt

As long as you publish faster than Harper Lee, it’s all good.

Johannes Brockmann

You are currently one of my favorite authors, so please take care of yourself and take all the time you need, so that I can get more contents in the future. Totally selfish here😁 P.S. in all seriousness, RL/mental health has priority! Take care


It's the 8th! Like Christmas in April! Who's hyped to read about a girl learning accounting? 🥳


Lmao. Don't think anyone's ever been hyped about that before. Am writing the new chapter rn, tho I'm struggling a lot cause apparently my mouse broke. So I can't highlight anything with left-click ;_;