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As some of you may have seen, I have recently done some traditionally crafted terrain to enhance my tabletop. While its great to print minis, I prefer doing terrain the oldschool way, with cheap and recycled materials.

I created some simple river sections from foam trays salvaged from grocery packaging. Hot glue gun, PVA glue, sand, flocking - its always nice to get your hands dirty. For water I used some cheap glue and then gloss varnish. 

Then I made a piece I've wanted to do since my inspiring visit in the Bohemian Paradise last October - a ruined tower on a rock with some narrow stairs. I had a chunk of tree bark and it worked perfectly for the rocks. I hope I dried and sealed it enough with PVA and it doesnt grow an alien civilisation inside. The tower stones and stairs were made with dense foam. The inside of the rocks was made with bubbly polystyrene - which I don't recommend because of the mess it always causes, but I just wanted to recycle what I had at hand.

 I'm quite happy with how it turned out. And, to share the happiness, I decided to scan part of the model using photogrammetry, and make it available for 3Dprinting. The result is quite nice, I touched up the scan a bit to fix a few things. It takes about 11 hours to print at 0.28 layer height (Low Quality profile in Cura).

The ruined tower model is available in the repository. Let me know what you think!

Back to minis shortly.




I love this! May have to give it a go😁

Jessica Pink

I come from the time of bedsheets for battlefields and hills made from cardboard or polystyerene :D this is awesome stuff to see!