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It is an even darker time for the people of the Resistance. A loyal servant of Corporatimpex - evil Lord Buckett, wielding his Electrolance and mounting his troops onto the formidable Frog Walkers (which the Resistance call Grasshoppers of Death), has regained control over the supply of Milk-7. Each Corporatimpex storage facility on dozens of worlds has been fortified and adorned with the statue of lord Buckett's distant ancestor, Jebediah the Fair, to mark that an attack on the facility is an attack on Buckett's heritage. 

New supportless models:

- Space Knight with electrolance

- Knight with full plate armour that can be used as a statue or as a knight with full plate armour.

- Space Walker with a driver and separate windshield. Lord Buckett has always found the idea of Mech walkers ridiculous, too easy to destroy by targeting the legs. That's why he has stolen the blueprints from the people of swamp planet Ribbit and introduced the crawling-jumping mechs into his own forces.

- terrain bits. This is an early part of something that I'm planning to introduce under the name of Pizza Box Terrain (PBT). As you might have noticed, I make most of my terrain in an old-school way, using recycled materials, cardboard being one of them. Pizza boxes are a great source of terrain material. I cut them into 5cm wide strips that I can use as walls for buildings or dungeons. The 3D-printed corners hold them in place, just slide the cardboard walls in, no glue needed if the cardboard is the right thickness. 3D printed elements like doors or windows are glued to them to add detail. All the houses you have seen in earlier photos have been built like this. It's a great way for creating terrain quickly, without long printing times. They are easy to store too, because you can remove the walls from the corners and reuse them in a different configuration.
The corners are split into halves and placed flat for easy supportless printing on FDM printers, they need to be glued after printing. The elements like doors or the computer terminal are also printed flat. I'll be adding more elements later.

Get them all in the repository.

Over 300 days. My neighbours to the east have been openly invaded by the Muscovite barbarians for over 300 days now. While we are preparing for our festive dinners, they are being deprived of basic amenities like water, heat and electricity by constant bombardment of strategic facilities. Professor of History at Yale University, Timothy Snyder is raising funds for the «Shahed Hunter» anti-drone system. I strongly recommend listening to his awesome lectures on the history of Ukraine (and all Eastern Europe as well), they reall help to get the full picture. 

Next: The return of Milk-7



Jimmy Trinket

I love the pizza box terrain idea. And if the box still has pizza on it, you have instant alien hive effect. XD


Just printed both versions of the knights. Excellent as always