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I need your help again to put these two together in one short story in the comments below. Pop in a third protagonist of your choice, the best stories will be awarded a mini of that third guy. 

Get these two:

- a ratfolk beggar

- a frogfolk/bullywug with pointy stick

in the repository.

I'm going away for a week with kids to the mountains, the mountains, Gandalf!
Have fun!




"Rrrrrt's just not possible" Hurrld Barnes the frog guard stated bluntly, leaning on his spear. "Why isn't it possible?" excitedly asked Patrick Ratman. Miss Jiin, the pretty, tall, human tomboy standing beside the dingy, pitable little ratkin shook her head at this conversation. He had approached her with ideas on how to replace his itchy and uncomfortable pegleg and she had felt the desire to help him, but this was not what she had in mind. "Rrrt's just not." Hurrld insisted. He was no cleric, but he was pretty certain Patrick's idea would not work: even if he did cut off one of his own frog legs, it would not be suitable to graft on as a replacement for Patrick's missing rat leg. "WHY not" Patrick cut in, clearly not having any of it, "you stupid bullywug?"

Alan Bengs

With alarming alacrity, a lone bullywug hopped from a Lilly pad to a large rock, then back to another Lilly pad further up the marsh. Behind him, a column of steam rose from some sort of hovering creature that followed. Though out of breath, the frog-like bullywug shouted at a rat on the shore. "Hide, Elador, hide! Theraxes has summoned another servant from an evil place! Meet me at the bridge!" Though the rat Elador couldn't see well, he knew his friend's voice well. "Sure thing, Belcher! I'll follow the trail, and maybe we can arrange a surprise for this minion!" With that, the two friends hurried off. Meanwhile, the evil minion continued his path flying lazily over the marsh. This figure was lanky, with long arms that ended in sharp claws. His head and face were vaguely feline, including alert, pointy ears. Charcoal-colored bat wings gave the creature flight. The most notable feature of this creature was a constant cloud of steam that came from its wet, matted gray fur. The creature muttered to himself. "Master says the marsh belongs to him! The bullywug must be dealt with harshly!" At the bridge, Elador and Belcher had a surprise waiting. More than 20 young rats and bullywugs, all well-armed with stones, stood ready. When the flying creature flew near the bridge, the rats and bullywugs got up from their cover behind the side of the bridge and began throwing their stones. Soon the battered evil steam creature circled around and headed back to his master's tower. In the tower, the evil wizard Theraxes once again opened his recently found tome, written in an ancient, vulgar tongue long ago. The book, entitled "Mephits: How to Summon and Care For Them", was well used. Perhaps the Fire Mephit would be more effective than this incompetent Steam Mephit...